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Pub Hours

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Same as Ibiza ;)


Get up at 10am, get drunk in the hotel bar. Act a prat on the beach all day and return home for something to eat at 1pm. Back to the beach/pool with more alcohol. Then head back to the hotel. get changed and showered and then out for a meal at 6pm. Get 100% lashed by midnight in bars and continue on throughout the night. Bars stay open all night (have to close at 4, but never do). Pop to the spar for some water and munchies at 6am and get in bed by 6.30. Sleep for 3.5 hours.


I loved every minute of it. :)


Saying that I couldn't do it for more than 2 weeks a year.


Back to the point, I think pubs should stay open until at least midnight, and 11pm on Sundays. If they want to stay open all-day then it's no skin off of my back.

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Originally posted by Terminator

Hardly think it would be ethical to tax illegal substances. However, if certain drugs were legal you can be sure they would be taxed to the hilt.


The USA do it, if you deal in illegal drugs you are supposed to buy drug stamps to cover the tax on them. The stamps are supposed to be fixed to the container (bag, wrap etc.) that the drug is sold on in. Basically they introduced it to make it easier for convictions, even if they can't get a good dealing conviction, they can slap 'em with tax evasion. Only in America eh.........

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Back on topic.... Personally I think pubs should be able to open whenever they want. People work some strange hours and just as they might want to go shopping at 6am at Sainsburys they might want to go for a pint at 6am too. Everything else is going 24 hour, why shouldn't pubs. Should get rid of the kick out time punch ups as well :)

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Right, I've been silent on this one for too long!


This issue is discussed and to some extent frowned upon by many publicans around the country. For most, closing at 11pm is fine simply because when the landlord has been working all day then s/he wants to get to bed too!


24 hour drinking when it does come into force will mean that a few pubs will stay open for those on shifts but I expect that most will keep to similar hours.


It will be useful to not have to apply to the magistrates court for the odd hour extension for birthday celebrations. Currently the only way that pubs can get extensions to hours is by paying a tenner to the courts and to have a letter from the person celebrating their 'special' birthday. By special it can only be extended for an 18th, 21st, 30th, 40th, 50th, etc. Extensions are also granted for special events - charity events with appropriate documentation, weddings, etc. They can be very strict about granting these extensions. Changes in the law will make this easier to sort out from the publican's point of view.


I cannot see pubs generally staying open all hours - most people work traditional daytime hours and wouldn't wish to party all night in a pub. I expect some pubs will extend their hours at weekends - but it's down to the discretion of the landlord.


I suggest for the time being, that if you want to drink longer, you should arrive earlier!

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