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Solar power system

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  • 2 weeks later...
However if the installer has gone bust you'd need to know where that FIT has gone - it's probably been bought by someone else but if it's floating about unowned.....
OP, contact the receivers/administrators for the bust business, they should be able to tell you whether they're still in charge of the assets (so collecting the FITs) or have since passed them on to a buyer.
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You need to get a monitor that tells you what you are generating and what you are using - I have one and i know if I am making enough leccy to put the washing machine on for free - will use it loads in the winter as have just got a small electric heater - so ill pop that on if i have extra juice!


our neighbour has free panels and put on and has had an gizmo installed that takes the extra leccy to power the immersion heater - raves about it but I don't have an immersion :(

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