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What adverts make you not want to buy the product?

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There is a (fairly) local appliance (white goods : Fridges, freezers, washers, dryers, brides left at the altar) etc firm which advertises discounts.


The owner (who does 2/3 of the ad) comes over as a 'bit of a plonker' but then he puts his podgy [3-tonner gaff-rigged] 11(ish) year old daughter into it and she seals the bid.


"If you can buy so cheep from us, whyyyyy on eeerth would you want to buy from anybody else?"


Thanks, kid. I'll stay at home.

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The know your limits government advert promoting sensible drinking that was on a while ago. It involved a crisp pint with the froth in the form of a number as well as a nice crips glass of wine.


Both me and the OH were watching and we ended up wanting to go to the pub.

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And "Additional hardware required"


Main bugbear for me with Apple ads is they verge on false advertising, practically claiming that the product has never been invented by any other company. Take the new earphone ad. They way they suggest that ALL earphones prior to theirs have been round and that their's are revolutionary in the fact that they're "ear-shaped" despite the fact that Sony have had the "Groove" range of earphones out for at least 10 years and they're "ear-shaped".


I love apple gadgets but I can't see why they are advertising earphone shape rather than "we have now finally directed the sound into your ear rather than at passers by". The first thing I do when buying an ipod is to buy proper headphones!

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The know your limits government advert promoting sensible drinking that was on a while ago. It involved a crisp pint with the froth in the form of a number as well as a nice crips glass of wine.


Both me and the OH were watching and we ended up wanting to go to the pub.


Maybe it was actually sponsored by carlsberg.....probably the best......:hihi:

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I hate any advert with shouting, using voice overs such as Brian Blessed, Go Compare, and the old John Cleese advert advertising Sainsbury's.

I also switch off when I hear any Mere cat voice over.


I agree, the remote is always in reach when the ads come on, infact has anyone noticed, most programmes are only on about 7 minuets then it's flipping ads, years ago they used to be on every 15 minuets.:huh:

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