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IMF hand UK biggest downgrade in West.

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The MSM have us hoodwinked on behalf of their Elite.


Central banks in Europe, UK & USA printing money like water, Japan 10 years on still doing the same.


Who is questioning this in the MSM?


The gullible public line i dont fall for anymore though. If you have access to a computer you have access to the truth.


Go find it....


Please enlighten me. What/Who is MSM


Here's the only thing I found..and I think probably...it's not that! :huh:

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It blames the Eurozone in this news report, but France & Germany are predicted to grow.
They are?!?


France is predicted to zero throughout 2013!


source (there are hundreds more, but the gist of it is that the Banque de France (central bank) and the INSEE (national statistics) agree).

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I doubt we're anywhere near the end of it all either.


I just don't like being tarred with the all over brush. We all caused it, so WE all need to get out of it!..."We're all in this together"...


I didn't cause it, and despite what some posters say, I don't think the majority of British people caused it either. Clearly there is a significant percentage that did live waaaay beyond their means on borrowed money.


I'd just like some recognition from government that acknowledges that a sizeable portion of the UK populus (mainly the less well off), didn't actually cause the problems. (yet it seems the government want to target the less well off as a priority)


I do feel that Joe Public has been brainwashed by government waffle!


Mossdog didn’t say everyone was to blame

Mossdog said we are nearly all guilty participants
Maybe they should have replaced “nearly all” with “many people”.


Some people borrowed money and spent it which stimulated the economy so we had growth, and others benefited because that money was spent on goods they sold or made, so they had more money to spend, so more growth. But it was out of control and inevitably failed, the result is years of no growth or a massive crash, it would appear policy makers, Government have chose the former.

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Mossdog didn’t say everyone was to blame Maybe they should have replaced “nearly all” with “many people”.


Some people borrowed money and spent it which stimulated the economy so we had growth, and others benefited because that money was spent on goods they sold or made, so they had more money to spend, so more growth. But it was out of control and inevitably failed, the result is years of no growth or a massive crash, it would appear policy makers, Government have chose the latter.


Yes...maybe the government should acknowledge that too. It really winds me up when I hear the likes of Cameron etc say we're all responsible, and we're all in this together. Cos clearly, we're NOT all responsible for it.


My second bold: Don't you mean the former?...Cos that's what we've got now!

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The MSM, Main Stream Media. :)


Thanks ;)..I was pretty sure it wasn't men having sex with men!!!!....Although, that's a pretty good analogy for a lot in the government....Also 'analogy', is a bit of an unfortunate word in the circumstances too! :hihi::hihi:

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Yes...maybe the government should acknowledge that too. It really winds me up when I hear the likes of Cameron etc say we're all responsible, and we're all in this together. Cos clearly, we're NOT all responsible for it.


My second bold: Don't you mean the former?...Cos that's what we've got now!


Yes...... :)

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Cos clearly, we're NOT all responsible for it.
You're not responsible for the crisis. But you are responsible for the solution.


That is, if you want to continue living here, with public services, amenities, services this-that-the other - i.e. in a fully-functioning society (-ish :D).


That means you pay more, because you are solvent, through careful financial arrangements.


It also means those who contributed to the crisis through careless financial arrangements get less help/benefits/services once insolvent/destitute. Swings and roundabouts.


Beyond that, we can all scream blue murder and wave pitchforks, on here and elsewhere, at irresponsible casino-bankers, colluding government types, traders, etc. Realistically, what is that going to achieve? :rolleyes:

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Mossdog didn’t say everyone was to blame Maybe they should have replaced “nearly all” with “many people”.


Some people borrowed money and spent it which stimulated the economy so we had growth, and others benefited because that money was spent on goods they sold or made, so they had more money to spend, so more growth. But it was out of control and inevitably failed, the result is years of no growth or a massive crash, it would appear policy makers, Government have chose the former.

....Maybe they should have replaced “nearly all” with “many people”. .........

Maybe I should!.........also I should have said "indirectly" responsible,because many have benefited indirectly at the party over the last two decades in Britain.

Just try going to Meadowhall any day, and see how many people are there buying imported this that and the other,then being served lunch then stepping out into a shiny car.I never saw that in Sheffield when I was young.

You need to understand Pete that we have all benefited some way or another in this country,don't let your left wing view cloud the issue regarding Cameron,before you can tell us what Milliband can do to erase Labours huge overspend debt,because he is saying absolutely nothing up to now.

Neither of them seems to have an answer to China or Germany at the present time.....have you?

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You're not responsible for the crisis. But you are responsible for the solution.


That is, if you want to continue living here, with public services, amenities, services this-that-the other - i.e. in a fully-functioning society (-ish :D).


That means you pay more, because you are solvent, through careful financial arrangements.


It also means those who contributed to the crisis through careless financial arrangements get less help/benefits/services once insolvent/destitute. Swings and roundabouts.


Beyond that, we can all scream blue murder and wave pitchforks, on here and elsewhere, at irresponsible casino-bankers, colluding government types, traders, etc. Realistically, what is that going to achieve? :rolleyes:


So "we're all in it together"...yes I know that, but not in the sense the government have hoodwinked most people into believing.


I agree ranting on here, is going to gain us nothing. But it's nice to have a good rant occasionally! :hihi:...You never know who's actually looking at these threads!...Someone might take some notice!..We can but live in hope!

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