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Has Anglo-American Bonhomie died on this forum?

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Sometimes Anglo-American Bonhomie is sick, but never dead.


Phanerothyme (Hi, Phan! :wave:) almost always wishes us yanks a happy fourth of July or Thanksgiving. He's been doing this for awhile now. Darn nice of him, too.

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What about Eirīkr hinn rauði? (Erik the Red) He was there a few years before Columbus.


I have to admit that although I live here (and I do enjoy living here) I can't resist 'extracting the urine' occasionally.


America does have far more history than many of its citizens realise.


F'rinstance: If you ask the average(well-educated and knowledgeable) American: "What is the oldest city in the US?"


You'll probably be told: "St Augustine Florida" (It's been inhabited since at least 1513 (and it's 1730 your time.) :hihi:


If you say "What about Acoma Pueblo?" (continuously inhabited since about 900 AD) you'll get blank looks.


this post is good because it highlights that Spanish influence in the United States is high and it's not only a modern Latin American influence. That's contemporary. The Spanish and Portuguese interracted with the natives a lot more than the northern Europeans did.

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Are you a Yankee, Sierrra? - Where I used to live people had bumper stickers which said: "Happiness is a Yankee heading North" :hihi:


My MIL was a 'Daughter of the Alamo' (Bowie). - I suppose my wife has taken on that mantle. Her father was a Yankee ... Ethan Allen's lot (though we don't get a bloody discount for family :hihi:


When we lived in Missssippi I was 'OK' because I was a 'foreigner' and not a 'Damned Yankee' :hihi:


In 'Florder' almost everybody is a foreigner (and half of them are Brits) so nobody knows (or cares.)

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That's a somewhat simplistic view. (But if it works for you - go for it! :hihi:)


One of my ancestors (Bill the Ba [illegitimate son]s Master at Arms tried to warn the boss - but as usual, he didn't listen!


"That bloody archer in the second row - If he doesn't pay a bit more attention to what he's doing, he'll have some poor bugger's eye out!"


Pretty much what I stated were facts. I'm not saying the Normans were anything other than first class warriors but an army that had a few days before fought a hard batlle and then had to march about 200 miles on foot to the south coast must have been a bit less than in optimum fighting trim.


Just for a lark do a foot march from some point in east Yorkshire to Battle in Sussex. Dont stop at a McDonalds on the way for a burger and a coke or thumb a lift if it starts to pizz down with rain.. You'll see what I mean :hihi:

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I'm proud to have been born in Sheffield too. When I lived there it produced some of the best steel in the world, the people were straight forward, friendly, down to earth and hard working.... proud of their jobs. Not keyboard jockeys


Hey up Harleyman, nice to see your pride at being born in Sheffield, yes we did make the best steel but sadly no more. But I must add that a lot of us "Sheffielder's" are still straight forward, down to earth & hard working and we still love a good laugh (not having a go either). :):)

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