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Has Anglo-American Bonhomie died on this forum?

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Are you a Yankee, Sierrra? - Where I used to live people had bumper stickers which said: "Happiness is a Yankee heading North" :hihi:


My MIL was a 'Daughter of the Alamo' (Bowie). - I suppose my wife has taken on that mantle. Her father was a Yankee ... Ethan Allen's lot (though we don't get a bloody discount for family :hihi:


When we lived in Missssippi I was 'OK' because I was a 'foreigner' and not a 'Damned Yankee' :hihi:


In 'Florder' almost everybody is a foreigner (and half of them are Brits) so nobody knows (or cares.)


I don't mind being called a Yank or Yankee. Better than being called a Septic. ;)


I suppose technically (by the American definition) I'm not a Yankee.


Hey, Ethan Allen makes some fine furniture. :hihi:


Speaking of rude bumper stickers, there's one (that I would never put on my car) that says, "WELCOME TO CALIFORNIA, NOW GO HOME!"


Are the Daughters of the Alamo responsible for maintaining part of it? I remember hearing something like that, but I'm not certain. Does your wife also belong?


My maternal grandmother's people were Californios and I remember being taken, along with my siblings and cousins to the Mission Dolores cemetary in San Francisco to look at (alleged) ancestor's tombstones.


I'd never been to a cemetary up until that point, and I had no idea my grandma's family had any connection to that place. I was shocked at how many children, babies, young adults and especially native Americans died from disease, accidents and infections that would be no more than a trifle today.


The children's graves really shook me up. In my world, only old people died. Kids didn't die.

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Pretty much what I stated were facts. I'm not saying the Normans were anything other than first class warriors but an army that had a few days before fought a hard batlle and then had to march about 200 miles on foot to the south coast must have been a bit less than in optimum fighting trim.


Just for a lark do a foot march from some point in east Yorkshire to Battle in Sussex. Dont stop at a McDonalds on the way for a burger and a coke or thumb a lift if it starts to pizz down with rain.. You'll see what I mean :hihi:


The background is also interesting.

Harold Hardrada,

Harold the Oathbreaker (Godwin) and

Bill the Barsteward


all had 'arguable' claims to the throne.


Bill won.


Some [many] years ago, my son (in year 7) {6th Grade} had to write an essay on what the Normans had brought to England. I helped him, and in the list I included:



Norman Law

Norman Custom and

Norman Wisdom.


Nobody picked it up :hihi::hihi::hihi:


but a week or so later, my son's teacher asked him to write a letter (as an occupying soldier) to his family back in Normandy.


I got my son to write the letter in English (it was, after all, his homework) and then I translated it ... into my mother tongue, which hadn't changed much in the previous 900 odd years. :hihi:

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Are you a Yankee, Sierrra? - Where I used to live people had bumper stickers which said: "Happiness is a Yankee heading North" :hihi:


My MIL was a 'Daughter of the Alamo' (Bowie). - I suppose my wife has taken on that mantle. Her father was a Yankee ... Ethan Allen's lot (though we don't get a bloody discount for family :hihi:

When we lived in Missssippi I was 'OK' because I was a 'foreigner' and not a 'Damned Yankee' :hihi:


In 'Florder' almost everybody is a foreigner (and half of them are Brits) so nobody knows (or cares.)


Ever had a guided tour of an old Mississippi cemetery by one of the locals.


"Now that there coupla tomstones belong to first cousins Zeke and Martha. They was my parents by the way and over yonder them other tombstones are the resting place of great uncle Jessy and his niece Louella. They was happily married for many years and had a whole bunch o' children"

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The background is also interesting.

Harold Hardrada,

Harold the Oathbreaker (Godwin) and

Bill the Barsteward


all had 'arguable' claims to the throne.


Bill won.


Some [many] years ago, my son (in year 7) {6th Grade} had to write an essay on what the Normans had brought to England. I helped him, and in the list I included:



Norman Law

Norman Custom and

Norman Wisdom.


Nobody picked it up :hihi::hihi::hihi:


but a week or so later, my son's teacher asked him to write a letter (as an occupying soldier) to his family back in Normandy.


I got my son to write the letter in English (it was, after all, his homework) and then I translated it ... into my mother tongue, which hadn't changed much in the previous 900 odd years. :hihi:


As a Channel Islander are you also a citizen of the UK? What kind of passport would you have if not?


My grandfather and grandmother who were Sheffielders went to Guernsey to spend their retirement years there. Less than two years later they had to pack up and leave in a hurry before the Germans occupied the island. All they had time to take were a few personal belongings in a couple of suitcases.

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I'm proud to have been born in Sheffield too. When I lived there it produced some of the best steel in the world, the people were straight forward, friendly, down to earth and hard working.... proud of their jobs. Not keyboard jockeys


Hey up Harleyman, nice to see your pride at being born in Sheffield, yes we did make the best steel but sadly no more. But I must add that a lot of us "Sheffielder's" are still straight forward, down to earth & hard working and we still love a good laugh (not having a go either). :):)


I'm know they are mate. :) I've been back a few times over the years. The city has changed but not the people

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I like our American cousins on the forum. Its very refreshing to get a view from over the pond. Especially since we spend quite a lot of time discussing America, it helps to get the views of people who actually live there.


I even like Harleyman who I rarely see eye to eye with

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I like our American cousins on the forum. Its very refreshing to get a view from over the pond. Especially since we spend quite a lot of time discussing America, it helps to get the views of people who actually live there.


I even like Harleyman who I rarely see eye to eye with


Jus think. If we didnt disagree on anything it would be a pretty dull place to debate. You can only discuss the weather for so long.


I think we lost some very good debaters. Lord Chaverley, Plekahnov come to mind. I seldom agreed with them but I had a great deal of respect for their knowledge and interesting posts.


Even old SUPERTYKE as outspoken as he was came up with a couple of good ones now and then.


I'm in process of writing a story at this time. When i suddenly get an attack of writer's block which happens a bit more than I wish it's nice to drop in on the forum a few times a day.

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Jus think. If we didnt disagree on anything it would be a pretty dull place to debate. You can only discuss the weather for so long.


I think we lost some very good debaters. Lord Chaverley, Plekahnov come to mind. I seldom agreed with them but I had a great deal of respect for their knowledge and interesting posts.


Even old SUPERTYKE as outspoken as he was came up with a couple of good ones now and then.


I'm in process of writing a story at this time. When i suddenly get an attack of writer's block which happens a bit more than I wish it's nice to drop in on the forum a few times a day.

When you post anything on here I get readers block.:hihi::hihi::hihi::loopy:

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