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Is it time to force people on the dole to buy cigarettes!

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Mr X gets £100 in dole and buys £100 fags/whisky (80% of which is tax).


Mrs Y gets £100 in dole and buys £100 of imported food (0% of which is tax).


Mr X is voluntarily reducing his dole to £20 by paying more than his fare share of taxes with his dole.

Mrs Y is taking the mickey, she is sending her money abroad and not paying any tax with her dole.


Why is Mr X the saint vilified, whilst Mrs Y who bleeds the system dry is spoken of highly?



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About half the population receive benefits of about £200 billion in total. If the above statistics are right then a large number of people think their own spending should be controlled. For example, some of those on child benefit think they shouldn't be able to buy Nike trainers for their kids and some on working tax credits feel they shouldn't have a holiday.


And then there's the question of enforcement. How many people would it take to enforce everyone's expenditure? A lot of people work and get benefits so how is the split enforced? How do you ensure that someone only spends their wages but not their tax credits on cigs? Completely unthought through and unworkable proposals by people with large chips on their shoulders.


The irony is, the biggest group of people on benefits are the ones who support controlling such spending the most (pensioners).

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Food token should be given out as opposed to money.


Setting up a scheme for tokens or vouchers will cost the taxpayer £millions (again). It has been done before and then abandoned because of the cost and other complications.


Would you be happy to up the benefits budget to introduce such a scheme for all on benefits.


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Why don't we just bring back the workhouse and have done with it? You know you want to - we'll just have to make sure it isn't built in your back yard...


What would a workhouse do to property values?


I wonder if NIMBY scum would support one being built near them?

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Thats a silly thing to say main poster :hihi:


Personally i dont smoke and nowadays dont drink very much

learnt my lesson with such


Meanwhile what ive noted is majority of folks in pubs that do smoke

its mainly the hand rolling tobacco and also cork-tipped tobacco from the black market

and hey i dont blame them for such as when you are living on a low income

then you shall buy from anywhere cheaper as its life, and id do exactly the same if i smoked


As for drink i buy cheap from the store in which i buy once in a while

dont drink much now as learnt my lesson


My experiences with pubs are theyre nowadays full of trouble types and doormen all are trouble

also many of them, and are also in with your local police, and all wired up to the local police stations

they always have their easy targets , some learn not to go to such places

whereas some dont, and are always an easy target , for both doormen and often

their friends the police


I woke up to such thankfully a few yrs ago :)

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