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This country cannot last another 2 years of David Cameron and George Osborn

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Y'know if I were really paranoid I'd be tempted to think that threads like this (with their poor spelling and ranting tone) were designed deliberately to turn people off debating the important issues contained within.They almost create a "Pavlovian" response of "oh, another TFH nutter".





And that is specifically The Boy David/Gorgeous George's fault.... how exactly?


(They are, after all, very prominent in the thread title.)





Peter Mandelson is a known member of Bilderberg [as confirmed here in The Guardian]



Other Labour members/attendees of Bilderberg include


Ed Balls

Tony "nice guy" Blair

John Smith



Former Labour Chancellor Dennis Healey was one of the four founding members of Bilderberg (which was named after the hotel in Holland where the first meeting was held in 1954). (BBC link)


Bilderberg is quite real, although whether it's just a load of people talking "boring" stuff as Dennis Healey would have it is hard to tell as no transcripts are ever issued.


Still, consider this. If a load of A-list celebs or international footballers met once a year in conditions of absolute secrecy, wouldn't you be well, just a tad curious about it?


Only The Guardian seems to be interested, Charlie Skelton's articles on the subject are certainly worth a look


Bilderberg 2011: The polished blue line


Bilderberg 2011: George Osborne attending as chancellor


Bilderberg 2011: Swiss Family Rockefeller


And also his 2012 articles.


you are more right than you know.


It is one of the methods used to diminish the influence of forums such as this which allow ordinary people to discuss issues and share ideas. China and other such countries simply shut it down when they feel threatened, but in our 'democracy' they have had to find more subtle ways to subvert its influence.


There's a website on the subject somewhere showing leaked government documents which describe the various methods. I'll see if I can find it. It might be Wikileaks, but I'll have to check.

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This Government and the rest of the pillocks in Parliament are beating us, because we cant stick together. We cant agree. Take a look at some serious threads on this board and how long before it turns into Tribal politics?


They will continue to win.......unless we change!


Stop this ridiculous divide & rule scenario.


Im off to the march in London on the 20th Oct. I am a private employer... i dont belong to any unions, there are no unions in my business. I realised some 2 years ago, that protesting and showing my face is better than sitting behind a keyboard whinging. Some of you need to start thinking of how to put your energies against these idiots to some better use.

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Buy local if possible and stick to cooperatives if you can. Avoid the tax avoiders, Tesco, Vodaphone etc and put your monies into businesses that keep it in their communities.


This is the main way to hit back no doubt, I try my absolute hardest to use the few Veggie and local butcher shops left around Sheffield and Rotherham, but they are dropping like flys.


But yes, voting with your wallet is for sure an outright rebellion against the current system.

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Buy local if possible and stick to cooperatives if you can. Avoid the tax avoiders, Tesco, Vodaphone etc and put your monies into businesses that keep it in their communities.

Yes buy local if possible and if you do go to supermarkets make sure it is British, meaning check it...thats the food products I mean

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