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Does anyone agree with taking money off the poor to give to the rich?

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The argument being churned out by some is that by reducing taxation for those earning (use that word because I can't think of a better one) over £150000, you'll actually increase tax revenue from them.
That argument (as underlined) is of your own making, and the emboldened bit clearly shows your bias in the matter, so it's pretty much pointless discussing the mesure at a macro-economical level (which is what I have been doing) with you :|


The measure could just as easily be implemented (in fact a hell of a lot easier) in respect of corporate tax, which would make your rant about 'higher earners' entirely pointless.

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If the welfare bill wasn't so such a bloated drain on society it wouldn't be a problem, unfortunately the last government handed out benefits left right and centre.


I support the cut in benefits, I'm sick of seeing my tax money being handed out to laxy feckless morons who can't be bothered to get of their fat arse to earn a crust like the rest of us.


Benefits should be reserved for those people that need it, not those who just want a lazy life.


Lets hope you never lose your job, and have to rely on the benefits system then shan't we.

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I read threads like this my heart sinks why you ask? Tories like it when people fight each other. I find this Forum very anti Welfare yet without it there would be no life line for the sick or disabled or a person who suddenly finds themselfs out of work remember it can happen to anyone anytime. The Tories would love to do away with it together with the NHS which in away is Welfare too. Would people like to see childern stave mass homeless. Its time we stopped listening to this trainwreck Government and come together as a people and stand together and make a stand. But somehow I think that will not happen and the rich will get richer off the backs of the poor.


Well said my friend, I have been banging the same drum for years trying to get thru' to some of 'em. You are right, this forum IS generally anti welfare.They are selfish brats with no thought for their fellow humans...............

Just the sort of people Camerons detestable 'Big Society' produces.:rant:

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You don't understand the basic motivations of people, which I think is your problem here. Someone earning £150k a year isn't going to want to earn more mony by working longer. Once you are at that level, earning more by working longer isn't attractive - and it's probably impossible anyway as you won't be waged it'll be salaried and more hours doesnt equal more pay.


What people want to do is minimise the time they work for that money. Or, to maximise what they have. That means be efficient in both time, and tax planning and tax affairs. If I can save a reasonable amount of money by moving my tax affairs offshore, I'll do so. If it's really worth it, I'll move myself (and did). If you want to maximise tax revenue as a Chancellor then the trick is to pitch your tax take that targets these people so it's a little below what similar, easily accessible countries are like.


Now the UK has it easy in this regard - as most people don't speak a fluent continental language and so moving to somewhere cheap(er) like Luxembourg for example is a bit of a non starter. you could of course move to a totally tax free regime, like Afghanistan, but that has certain disadvantages and the loclas are rowdy. We don't get many from the Continent coming this way, as most don't like the weather, or the indiginous population, although the French distaste for les Anglais and their weather is not as high now as their distaste for Hollonde and his 75%...


But if we upped our tax a bit too much, we'd have people leaving and moving overseas and taking all that with them. Supertax did for the UK after the war and people fled to the USA and it's nice langauge, nice opportunities and weather, and low taxes. If you increase taxes too much, it'll happen again I'm sure..


I'd CREATE tax exiles. You and your kind would spend your final years retired in SIBERIA.................They have salt mines there, dont they ??

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I'd CREATE tax exiles. You and your kind would spend your final years retired in SIBERIA.................They have salt mines there, dont they ??


Aww wassup Nimrod? Someone upset you? Did they dare to be successful without your permission or something :hihi:

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Now that that is resolved, although I'm sure there will be more spluttering from you on it, would you like to explain why it's reasonable to take money preferentially from any section of society? What would your criteria for this be? Please not you can't just say "the rich" aka "those who earn more than me" because that's probably everyone it seems.


I'm more than happy to have a discussion with you around the merits of using taxation to redress some of the imbalances in renumeration for work undertaken.


I'm not sure this is the right thread for it though, but perhaps you could start the discussion off by telling us how much renumeration you receive and what you have to do to get this. Once this information is obtained we can all offer an opinion on whether or not you merit this and following on, whether or not an increase in taxation helps address any unfairness we see.

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That argument (as underlined) is of your own making, and the emboldened bit clearly shows your bias in the matter, so it's pretty much pointless discussing the mesure at a macro-economical level (which is what I have been doing) with you :|



You could explain to us the groups of people who somehow will pay more tax under legislation designed to let them pay less.


I fail to see how this can happen and would like a good example of such a person.

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And as I've said to you before, what I earn is none of your damn business. The only reason you require that is because you want a stick to beat someone with.


I almost certainly earn more than you. Deal with it.


Now if you want to discuss in the general terms, I'm more than happy to, but I fear your obvious vindictive, spiteful and medacious manner in which you always approach this topic will invariably get in the way. I remain however willing to be conviced otherwise, so if you can - please - discuss it rationally.

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