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Does anyone agree with taking money off the poor to give to the rich?

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Clearly a well thought out comeback, but perhaps you could tell me what percentage of tax is paid by which percentage of the population (when split by income).


I can help you with that one too.




Under 1 per cent of taxpayers are expected to pay a quarter of all income tax this year, according to official projections.

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The whole thread is based on a false premise anyway, tax is not being reduced for the rich and funded by reduced benefits for the poor.


The 50% tax rate was never going to bring in any increased tax revenue, it was a headline grabbing policy introduced to make labour look good.

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I can help you with that one too.




Under 1 per cent of taxpayers are expected to pay a quarter of all income tax this year, according to official projections.


I know the answer thanks, it might help Nimrod if he does the research himself and then answers the question.

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Poor people don't pay tax, and everyone that isn't poor is rich, so it’s all paid for by the rich, but most is paid by the richest 10%. :)


Poor people do pay tax. They pay VAT. They may pay duty on petrol, luxuries. Over a certain level of earnings they will pay income tax. They will probably pay some NI too.


Everybody pays tax ;)

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Cobblers. Explain then how I as a coal miners son from the arse end of NE Derbyshire made it to running a nice little company that turns over a good few million a year? Wealth and privilege? I sure didn't start with any thanks and I don't dish it out either.


Congratulations! But I didn't say that every business was owned by those born with a silver spoon in their mouth, nor did I say that owning a company was the b all and end all either.

I was responding to a prejudiced post that painted the poor as idly suckling off the tit of the welfare state, and the rich as the hard done by sons of toil and labour.

I didn't start with any thanks either, but I've developed empathy and understand that people aspire to different things,

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Sorry but that's plain nonsense. *Why* do you think they get paid the most? It's because they are the best at what they do by and large. If you get rid of them the odds are very good you will not be able to replace them, not in anything like the time needed.


I can confidently say that in all my years of working, I've never once thought the person getting paid the most is the most deserving of it and I'm even more confident that I could point to someone else in the organisation that would run it better.

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I can confidently say that in all my years of working, I've never once thought the person getting paid the most is the most deserving of it and I'm even more confident that I could point to someone else in the organisation that would run it better.


And you of course have worked in every firm in the land?


As well as solving world peace, inventing free energy and a set of boots many times larger than the rest of us for yourself?

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Sorry but that's plain nonsense. *Why* do you think they get paid the most? It's because they are the best at what they do by and large. If you get rid of them the odds are very good you will not be able to replace them, not in anything like the time needed.


Many of the financial wizards working in financial capitals arounf the world were also paid a fortune, but still managed to screw up big time. The best paid doesn't always equal that they deserve it.

The Telegraph ran an investigation into the renumeration boards of of some of the biggest comapnies and foung an unhealthy and incestuous relationship based on 'you scratch my back I'll scratch yours', all grossly distorting their worth.

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Bring back the Workhouse !!!!!!! You would get a job there, your views remind me of the typical Beadle as described by Charles Dickens.

One has only to read Dickens and Orwell to see what Cameron is up to.

You could do with some sort of handicap and be forced into a 'menial low paid job'. It would do you the world of good and stop you from posting crap on forums. You sir, are a moron.

I couldn't agree more - many of the idle and talentless expect a flat or house at the taxpayer's expense.

Perhaps a better solution is hostel accommodation which is integrated with gainful employment in exchange for living conditions.


Call it a workhouse if you will, but it would be better than unearned beer and fag money.

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