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Politics- where do we go next?

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most people over a certain age will have by now seen 2 or 3 "cycles" of govt now, ie conservative/lab/conservative etc. (i'm also classing the current govt as conservative as the lid dems are there in name only and add nothing/are doing nothing to stop the tories doing as they wish presently.)


my question is, where do we go next? is there something better to come, will there ever be a better way of running the country ?

technology has moved on, as have people. what about a new system where we can all vote on all major topics that affect us, rather than voting in one set of idiots for 4-5 yrs who proceed to do none of the promises they said they would in their manifestos and were elected on?


i think the majority of people dont now believe that politicians will do what they promise, and wont try to feather their own nest in one way or another.


there is nothing to choose between tory/labour as neither party is capable of fulfilling their promises. history has proved this. we go round and round in an endless cycle of change/promises/claims. no-one makes much of a difference in the long run.


labour proved to be far to soft and weak in many ways, and have left us with problems. (not as many as the tories try to claim though)


the tories have failed to pull us out of recession and spur the country on, and have (yet again) proved that when under pressure they revert back to form, ie benefit cuts, tough on crime, all the rhetoric to cover over the gaping holes in policy.


no one would trust the lib dems i dont think, having seen how quickly they abandoned their ideals to get a share of the "power".


so we are left with minimal options -

leave the tories in power- in 10 yrs time the NHS will be private and funded by insurances and the like. business will hire and fire without any workers rights to worry about. the rich will undoubtedly be much richer, the poor much poorer.working people will be 70+before being allowed a yr or two to rest before they die.


get labour in at the next election- pretty much the first few yrs will be spent wasting time undoing the tory policies and decrying all they did. debts will probably go up, as will tax. the nhs reforms will be changed again, wasting another few billion pounds. this will tick on for a few yrs and then we are back to square one.....


can anyone see a way forward/out of this silly cycle and the silly state of british politics which would benefit the majority long term?


or are we doomed to this forever as our purgatory :(

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I think we are all waiting for a new kind of politics Chris. And ive a feeling within the next decade we will get it.


The internet has been the game changer here. We can communicate with ease with one another now, the medias power base is lost. Less fools believe them, more people seek alternative debates online.


On many forums i come across now, people are readily discussing right to referendums and recall by petition as they have in Switzerland.


Its time to make decisions ourselves and proper debates not the farce & downright bull we got on AV or Scotland will get on Independence.

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Of course we are doomed. Power of the Internet ? Not applicable in this country. Just look at this very forum. There are a fair chunk of people on here who would rather lose a leg if it meant they could still vote labour, and a smaller number who would rather lose a leg than not be able to vote conservative. There might be a small change at the top at the next election (might not as well)but it will mostly be the same. Most people won't actually notice a big difference if you are fit and healthy and in work.

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That is a great question Chris.


For a start, we no longer need so many MPs. The web allows us all to have an input into decision making if we want to. I'd expect to see a huge reduction in representatives in the coming years. And a big increase in referenda.


Similarly, party politics is over. I don't know about you, but I find myself agreeing with policies from both sides (and disagreeing too). I'm an ex-Labour Party member, but now I'd just describe myself as sceptical about everything. Some of the Tory ideas resonate with me, many disgust me. Likewise with Labour.


I don't see why I have to choose a whole package of policies anymore. I don't shop like that and I don't want to vote like that. Imagine turning up to Tescos tomorrow, to buy leeks and being told that if you do that, you also have to buy turnips.


So, the future is fractured, but personalised in my opinion. We just need some leaders to take us there.

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