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Politics- where do we go next?

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I like the old Roman idea of Public service. Why not make 50% of the members of parliament randomly chosen form the public at large.


We should also hold elections on weekends in the summer and make it illegal not to vote, but to add a None of the above option on the ballet paper. If more than 50% of the votes in one constituency is for None of the above, the election (at least locally) is rerun.

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I like the old Roman idea of Public service. Why not make 50% of the members of parliament randomly chosen form the public at large.


We should also hold elections on weekends in the summer and make it illegal not to vote, but to add a None of the above option on the ballet paper. If more than 50% of the votes in one constituency is for None of the above, the election (at least locally) is rerun.


Yes, I thought that might be a good way to go.

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I like the old Roman idea of Public service. Why not make 50% of the members of parliament randomly chosen form the public at large.
Whilst a nice concept, 'the public at large' in Roman included a very significant proportion of non-electables (i.e. anyone not actually Roman) and those amongst which representatives were elected were an elite - in statistical terms, probably not that far from the 1% in Anna's usual 1%-99% take on everything.


I mean, do you really want the sort of people oft seen in fly-on-the-wall trash TV debating (ho-hum) and voting in the law of the land, even for a limited period of time? Call me elitist all you want, but...<shudders>


I'd insist on at least an IQ minima criterion, by way of qualification for entry onto the choice list.

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I mean, do you really want the sort of people oft seen in fly-on-the-wall trash TV debating (ho-hum) and voting in the law of the land, even for a limited period of time? Call me elitist all you want, but...<shudders>


I'd insist on at least an IQ minima criterion, by way of qualification for entry onto the choice list.


I don't believe the people often seen on fly-on-the-wall trash TV are representative of the UK population. They are on TV to entertain. Present day TV is the modern equivalent to Victorian freak shows these days.

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Whilst a nice concept, 'the public at large' in Roman included a very significant proportion of non-electables (i.e. anyone not actually Roman) and those amongst which representatives were elected were an elite - in statistical terms, probably not that far from the 1% in Anna's usual 1%-99% take on everything.


I mean, do you really want the sort of people oft seen in fly-on-the-wall trash TV debating (ho-hum) and voting in the law of the land, even for a limited period of time? Call me elitist all you want, but...<shudders>


I'd insist on at least an IQ minima criterion, by way of qualification for entry onto the choice list.


Are you suggesting mps vote on information given to them or researched, by their morals or do you think 99 times out of a hundred they vote which ever way their party tells them?

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Minima is a Latin plural but criterion is a Greek singular. So you've failed the IQ test there.
How do you arrive at that conclusion, from the premise? :huh::loopy:


Anyway - good job I couldn't be entered on the list on statutory grounds, then, eh? :rolleyes:

I don't believe the people often seen on fly-on-the-wall trash TV are representative of the UK population. They are on TV to entertain. Present day TV is the modern equivalent to Victorian freak shows these days.
I don't mean just Benefits Street or the like, btw - I mean just about all content these days, short of nature documentaries :D

Are you suggesting mps vote on information given to them or researched, by their morals or do you think 99 times out of a hundred they vote which ever way their party tells them?
I did not suggest that at all, so I'm not sure how you arrived at it.
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I don't believe the people often seen on fly-on-the-wall trash TV are representative of the UK population. They are on TV to entertain. Present day TV is the modern equivalent to Victorian freak shows these days.

Because the "media" is actually very very powerful in this country. Even though we do not admit to it. A lot of the UK culture is really half-driven by TV shows, and make worst, in order to make money and to "entertain". If you create an environment to be as such, then what is the likelihood that the next generation won't be the same ? An average child cannot learn how the real world is when he is being brainwashed by some of these bad TV programs, such that he will indeed believe and behave that way when he comes into adulthood. He would not be able to differentiate what is real and socially acceptable and what is factual and true.


If he has not been trained to think this way, then what chance has he got to differentiate politics, and the law, and society at large ? No wonder there has always been a heavy emphasis of "tolerance" in this country. No, the truth should be applied to all. There should not be tolerance, but there should be acceptance and knowledge already.

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Because the "media" is actually very very powerful in this country. Even though we do not admit to it. A lot of the UK culture is really half-driven by TV shows, and make worst, in order to make money and to "entertain". If you create an environment to be as such, then what is the likelihood that the next generation won't be the same ? An average child cannot learn how the real world is when he is being brainwashed by some of these bad TV programs, such that he will indeed believe and behave that way when he comes into adulthood. He would not be able to differentiate what is real and socially acceptable and what is factual and true.


If he has not been trained to think this way, then what chance has he got to differentiate politics, and the law, and society at large ? No wonder there has always been a heavy emphasis of "tolerance" in this country. No, the truth should be applied to all. There should not be tolerance, but there should be acceptance and knowledge already.


Hence the need for the much derided 'Media Studies' in school.

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