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Politics- where do we go next?

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most people over a certain age will have by now seen 2 or 3 "cycles" of govt now, ie conservative/lab/conservative etc. (i'm also classing the current govt as conservative as the lid dems are there in name only and add nothing/are doing nothing to stop the tories doing as they wish presently.)


That's where you're wrong actually; I watched some of the Torie conference this week and one Tory minister was talking about issues with the European human rights act and how it is misused, but he said "we(the Conservatives) were currently unable to deal with this in the way we would like to", in other words the Libdems are putting the kibosh on it.

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Maybe the electrate should vote on policies and ideas, rather than political parties. Then it would be up to some kind of administration team to impliment the chosen policies.


Political parties are here to stay, if you did away with them they would form again; "parties" naturally form when groups of people of a similar persuasion get together.

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We came to a point in 1939, with Hitler threatening the world, that we managed to forge a coalition of Conservatives, liberals, and labour. It wasn't the greatest thing ever, but it was carried out wiith a minimum of political bickering,and eventually to a war won. Never before had Britons worked together as they did then, and sadly never since. Churchill was revered by almost everybody, but in the first election followiing the war, he was booted out. Could such a coalition work again? I don't know. What is needed is government by the people , and for the people. It won't happen with anarchy, which a lot of people seem to be advocating. There will always be a need for a core of organizers to control things. How its done will depend on you.

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We came to a point in 1939, with Hitler threatening the world, that we managed to forge a coalition of Conservatives, liberals, and labour. It wasn't the greatest thing ever, but it was carried out wiith a minimum of political bickering,and eventually to a war won. Never before had Britons worked together as they did then, and sadly never since. Churchill was revered by almost everybody, but in the first election followiing the war, he was booted out. Could such a coalition work again? I don't know. What is needed is government by the people , and for the people. It won't happen with anarchy, which a lot of people seem to be advocating. There will always be a need for a core of organizers to control things. How its done will depend on you.


i wish we could have an amalgamation of all the best policies from each of the parties. tories have a better attitude towards scroungers and dole cheats, labour would look after the NHS better, err the lib dems errr, well they might be good for something :)

but in effect though, why do we have to have all that one party wants, rather than the best bits only? the tories will rape and pillage as they always do, labour will mean well but end up achieving not a lot and costing us more, the lid dems did have some policies that might work before they gave them all up for 5 mins in the spotlight. the euro sceptic parties have something a lot of people probably would like with respect to europe, a nice mix of all the above should be feasible.

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i wish we could have an amalgamation of all the best policies from each of the parties. tories have a better attitude towards scroungers and dole cheats, labour would look after the NHS better, err the lib dems errr, well they might be good for something :)

but in effect though, why do we have to have all that one party wants, rather than the best bits only? the tories will rape and pillage as they always do, labour will mean well but end up achieving not a lot and costing us more, the lid dems did have some policies that might work before they gave them all up for 5 mins in the spotlight. the euro sceptic parties have something a lot of people probably would like with respect to europe, a nice mix of all the above should be feasible.

That's exactly what I was trying to say.There are enough people in a country with the brains, drive and skill to gather together and change the way its run. All the parties do is fight each other with little regard for the people they govern, unless those people have the funds the politicos love. The rest of us can go to hell. You can see how it is just following the US presidential election. Months of campaigning, telling the tired and bored public how bad the other guy is, instead of getting on with passing a few bills and such. At least in UK its all over in a few weeks. Two years into his term of office the POTUSA will be back on the stump again for the next election, not only him or her, but every two bit pol down to the town dog catcher. So all we have to do is throw out all the deadbeats, disband the parties. Check the right books, tell the ones we've picked that they're going to be voted on, and we'll pick their leaders not them, then start building the guillotines.:hihi:
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The present system of 2 party politics being mainly liberal in nature even from the so called right wing part i e the Tory Party has utterly failed.

Is it time for National Socialism to be looked at again?the idea of one nation one people and one race and the idea that we all working for one goal the nation state,and to be rid of class barriers and for us all to work for the common good.?

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The present system of 2 party politics being mainly liberal in nature even from the so called right wing part i e the Tory Party has utterly failed.

Is it time for National Socialism to be looked at again?the idea of one nation one people and one race and the idea that we all working for one goal the nation state,and to be rid of class barriers and for us all to work for the common good.?


Now, there is the ultimate Godwin.


Are you really advocating a Nazi state?


I had you down as a bit odd, but now, I think I need to recalibrate my oddness detector. You are off the scale.

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Now, there is the ultimate Godwin.


Are you really advocating a Nazi state?


I had you down as a bit odd, but now, I think I need to recalibrate my oddness detector. You are off the scale.



Isnt it time we had a radical alternative to the greed of the bankers and the economic failure of the left ? lets be honest most people have lost faith with the current system and are looking for alternatives and I have looked at National Socialism and I like what I see,I am a free thinker and I wont be put off by negative views,especially of the failed parties we have now.

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Isnt it time we had a radical alternative to the greed of the bankers and the economic failure of the left ? lets be honest most people have lost faith with the current system and are looking for alternatives and I have looked at National Socialism and I like what I see,I am a free thinker and I wont be put off by negative views,especially of the failed parties we have now.


I've also looked at National Socialism. It is the only thing that leads me to believe that the death penalty might have some merit... for its adherants, of course.


Nazis and their sympathisers sicken me.

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I've also looked at National Socialism. It is the only thing that leads me to believe that the death penalty might have some merit... for its adherants, of course.


Nazis and their sympathisers sicken me.


I see you couldnt resist the insults says more about you than anything I could say,now back on topic this isnt about hitler or the 1930s its about a political philosiphy and one that inspite of attempts to destroy it has stood the test of time.

If you think its ok for the bankers to rip off the people than thats your choice and if you think class has any part to play in society then again thats your opinion,MY alternative is to get rid of both.

Your liberal ideas have failed and its time for another appoach,no more, its time the nation state was re born and we all work to make it better than we found it.people are cying out for a better way and we are sick of the mess the other parties and their ideology have left.

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