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Politics- where do we go next?

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Yes,I agree with that,the goal of National Socialism was to work for the betterment of the whole country and not allow the nation to become fractured like is here now.

Of course that meant that some individual rights had to be sacrificed for the common good,but so be it thats the price to be paid for a having job security and a flourishing state and self respect as a nation.


Too bleddy true. Six million German military dead, wounded and missing and dont believe for a moment that every German who was called for military service was peeing his pants with glee. They had no choice but to go and there was no right of conscientuous objector status either... it was a firing squad or incarceration in a concentration camp.


They were brainwashed ditto heads being fed through an abattoir.... Hitler's abattoir.


Yes National Socialism did work for the common good all right :hihi: :hihi:

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  • 1 year later...
I see you couldnt resist the insults

Where was the insult? Nazis and their ilk sicken all riht minded decent human beings of all colours races and creeds.


says more about you than anything I could say


this isnt about hitler or the 1930s its about a political philosiphy and one that inspite of attempts to destroy it has stood the test of time.


It's a political philosophy that relies upon inhumainty, hatred and brutality.

It has stood the test of time among a small hardcore of mentally and emotionally stunted perverts.

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Where was the insult? Nazis and their ilk sicken all riht minded decent human beings of all colours races and creeds.






It's a political philosophy that relies upon inhumainty, hatred and brutality.

It has stood the test of time among a small hardcore of mentally and emotionally stunted perverts.


If you are going to continue spouting your bile, please learn to spell.





Just thought I'd bring that to your attention, and everyone else's. Or have you patented a new dictionary?

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....regardless of all the hype surrounding a few of it's members.....


.....and they should get their just desserts if found guilty......


If you are going to continue spouting your bile, please learn to spell.





Just thought I'd bring that to your attention, and everyone else's. Or have you patented a new dictionary?


Just thought.......

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Just thought.......


I'm not too fussed about my spelling, but The Rt Hon Halibutt of Bigotshire does get upset when others spellings aren't up to standard. Nice to see one of his minions watching his back, even though it has bod all to do with you:roll::roll:

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I'm not too fussed about my spelling, but The Rt Hon Halibutt of Bigotshire does get upset when others spellings aren't up to standard. Nice to see one of his minions watching his back, even though it has bod all to do with you:roll::roll:


It has everything to do with me as it's an open forum. Funny how you're not fussed about your own spelling but you are about that of others. Don't do as I do.......

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It has everything to do with me as it's an open forum. Funny how you're not fussed about your own spelling but you are about that of others. Don't do as I do.......


Are you really that openly dense, or just too busy plucking his back zits to think straight?

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Mr rational argument shows how to lose gracefully.


I haven't lost anything. It wasn't your call, it was councillor bigots shout. You jumped in, and made yourself look very silly indeed. How's the zits coming on? You got him screaming yet?:shakes:

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