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Politics- where do we go next?

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I think one of the problems is too many people don't take an interest in politics, and consequently politicians can get away with feeding the populace any old tosh.


It's in our own interests to watch them like hawks, cause if they can get away with it, they will. Same goes for the city council.


Question everything until your satisfied.


It's about more than just voting once every 5 years.

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You've got to much time on your hands if you watch that.


Prime Ministers Question Time on a Wednesday (12.00 midday?) is a revelation, and should be watched by all as a brilliant lesson in how to avoid answering a straightforward question, and disrespectful, bad behaviour.




I must have too much time on my hands then. PM's questions is brilliant.


I can't remember if it was on here, or another forum, or in real life when I read/spoke an American saying they should do it there.

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I must have too much time on my hands then. PM's questions is brilliant.


I can't remember if it was on here, or another forum, or in real life when I read/spoke an American saying they should do it there.


Interesting, very interesting. Thanks for that *_ash_*

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I must have too much time on my hands then. PM's questions is brilliant.


I can't remember if it was on here, or another forum, or in real life when I read/spoke an American saying they should do it there.


I didn't say it wasn't a good watch, I wouldn't miss it. I enjoy the sensation of smoke coming out of my ears...

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I didn't say it wasn't a good watch, I wouldn't miss it. I enjoy the sensation of smoke coming out of my ears...


I didn't say you did think it was a good watch.


I just said I think it is brilliant. This weeks started off amazingly calmly and generous with each others comments.


It's probably quite similar to the forum in some ways.

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When I see the respectful way this thread started in response to a well thought out and interesting question, I am appalled at the way it's deteriorated thanks to a few moronic disrespectful people.


They're just like schoolkids, where a few selfish morons with no interest in what's going on can totally disrupt things for everyone.


Everybody is upset to various degrees by the way things are, and want things to change. We say the internet could be the game changer in the political arena, then see it used badly and degenerate into squabbles like this - and for once you can't blame the politicians.


Grow up.

I totally agree Anna.

Just like the present UKIP thread its descended into a barrage of abusive insults.

For those of us with some interest in the more knowledgeable political opinions of others, this isn't what we need to see.

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Prime Ministers Question Time on a Wednesday (12.00 midday?) is a revelation, and should be watched by all as a brilliant lesson in how to avoid answering a straightforward question, and disrespectful, bad behaviour.



But surely that is politics, but in real life, if you fight another, then you would be classed as the asshole or be reported to the police for starting a fight.


This thread is indeed interesting. Still, I do not see Westminster's debating as traditional at all. Surely it is acceptable to agree when the point is ethical and with common sense, and disagree when it is too outrageous or out of line? One thing I do not quite understand is why a lot of people seems to hold the government as if it should be their role model or have their "values".


Well, Westminster Live shows parliament to be more mature now than they were before. I still recall in the earlier days of broadcast that the MPs were very rude, and really go for one another and egg on each other more and more. I noticed that it has toned down an awful lot. At the same time, it is still more formal in comparison to say the Taiwan parliament, which a friend said that the MPs actually fistfight one another if they feel so strongly about an issue, and that the other party does not take them seriously. :hihi:


Ok moron is offensive, sorry.


And yes I have seen them in the house and their behaviour does nothing to set the tone for the country, and is yet another way in which 'tradition' is holding the country back. It's just a very elite gentleman's club, without the gentlemen and the odd woman thrown in to appease the PC brigade.


No reason people on here should stoop to their level.

I don't see women in parliament as appeasing the traditional gentlemen's club at all. Surely women also have a brain to think too, and if the comment or point is fair then it should be acceptable by any gender.


It is interesting to see how you used the term "PC brigade" in this context. As it seems to me that you see these women as useless in parliament which I actually do not agree with ! Women are women.


Got lots to think about. Will come back on this thread with some posts.

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But surely that is politics, but in real life, if you fight another, then you would be classed as the asshole or be reported to the police for starting a fight.


This thread is indeed interesting. Still, I do not see Westminster's debating as traditional at all. Surely it is acceptable to agree when the point is ethical and with common sense, and disagree when it is too outrageous or out of line? One thing I do not quite understand is why a lot of people seems to hold the government as if it should be their role model or have their "values".


Well, Westminster Live shows parliament to be more mature now than they were before. I still recall in the earlier days of broadcast that the MPs were very rude, and really go for one another and egg on each other more and more. I noticed that it has toned down an awful lot. At the same time, it is still more formal in comparison to say the Taiwan parliament, which a friend said that the MPs actually fistfight one another if they feel so strongly about an issue, and that the other party does not take them seriously. :hihi:



I don't see women in parliament as appeasing the traditional gentlemen's club at all. Surely women also have a brain to think too, and if the comment or point is fair then it should be acceptable by any gender.


It is interesting to see how you used the term "PC brigade" in this context. As it seems to me that you see these women as useless in parliament which I actually do not agree with ! Women are women.


Got lots to think about. Will come back on this thread with some posts.


My point was that Westminster is not woman friendly, and still run by men for men. Women should be 50% of the MPs if they represented the population, but I think it's nearer 18%. You have to ask yourself why this is, and what can be done to redress it.


I am amazed you think I see women as useless in Parliament - nothing could be further from the truth. But I do think selection lists (which are chosen mainly by male MPs) favour other men over women to join their ranks.


The shortlist system is all wrong. We have no say in who is put up for selection, and that's as important as the election itself. That's why we have a House of Commons full of Hooray Henries. We've voted them in because we didn't have a choice, it was one Hooray Henry up against another exactly the same.

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