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14yr old girl reported as injured by the Taliban.

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Amen to that :thumbsup:


the whole nation is praying for her ,yeah right:roll:


so when are we going to see the rallies , demo's ,burning tyres in the streets embassys attacked ?give me a break.


there hasn't been any cartoons or naughty youtube videos calm down it'll be forgotten till the next one

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the whole nation is praying for her ,yeah right:roll:


so when are we going to see the rallies , demo's ,burning tyres in the streets embassys attacked ?give me a break.


there hasn't been any cartoons or naughty youtube videos calm down it'll be forgotten till the next one


You've not really thought this through have you?


There's a common denominator between the people who think shooting a 14 year old girl is acceptable and those who riot on the streets and attack foreign embassies.


They're likely to be the same people.

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So you believe they condone what happened to this girl?


Think about it, she was a campaigner, if her position was so at odds with that of her local community her relatives would not have allowed her to do so.


Apparently she was targeted by the Taliban, these groups operate like feudal warlords without any mandate other than creating fear, it would take a very brave Joe Public to stand up to them, certainly someone with bigger balls than you've got jc.


the taliban want an Islamic state, I cannot say it any clearer, religion is at the very least the major factor in this incident. However fancifully you try to dress up the debate against this, . You say the Taliban operate like feudal warlords as though they're not muslim, but they are still muslim, that can be justified from the texts they read, just as any 'moderate' or 'student of Islam' could claim that it should not be taken literally and apply a less extremist interpretation of the texts. It makes no difference,




as for the same old "the majority do not condone this "

. Opinion polls have shown that 1 in 4 British Muslims say 7/7 bombings were justified, One third of Palestinians (32%) supported the slaughter of a Jewish family, including the children. Recently a Pakistani MP offered $100,000 for the murder of a man who made a YouTube video offending Islam, and did not lose his job. We also saw crowds whipped up by Imams in their own nations smashing up their own countries because of this video. We saw the Muslim world condemn, and in some cases provoke violence against the tiny European democracy of Denmark because one of it's newspapers printed a cartoon of Muhammed. This behaviour is seen as acceptable by a large majority of Muslims who claim to constantly be 'offended.' It is Islam that has the issue from within, not the outside world having a vendetta against Islam. as for balls maybe one day you'll grow a pair

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the taliban want an Islamic state, I cannot say it any clearer, religion is at the very least the major factor in this incident. However fancifully you try to dress up the debate against this, . You say the Taliban operate like feudal warlords as though they're not muslim, but they are still muslim, that can be justified from the texts they read, just as any 'moderate' or 'student of Islam' could claim that it should not be taken literally and apply a less extremist interpretation of the texts. It makes no difference,
I've no problem denouncing the Taliban..so what's your point? They tried to kill a 14 year old Muslim who disagreed with them, so clearly all Muslims are not the same.



as for the same old "the majority do not condone this "

. Opinion polls have shown that 1 in 4 British Muslims say 7/7 bombings were justified, One third of Palestinians (32%) supported the slaughter of a Jewish family, including the children.

If you don't mind I'd like to see those polls, the nature of the questions, who the sample group were and how many they numbered, otherwise you may as well have polled viewers of Family Fortunes.

Recently a Pakistani MP offered $100,000 for the murder of a man who made a YouTube video offending Islam, and did not lose his job.

What does that have to do with the attempted murder of a 14 year old Muslim girl?

We also saw crowds whipped up by Imams in their own nations smashing up their own countries because of this video.

Have a look at the OP in the thread titled "Muslim Rage-a different view"

We saw the Muslim world condemn, and in some cases provoke violence against the tiny European democracy of Denmark because one of it's newspapers printed a cartoon of Muhammed.

You saw what the media wanted you to see, the other 999 million Muslims were sat at home mashing tea.

This behaviour is seen as acceptable by a large majority of Muslims who claim to constantly be 'offended.'

How do you know? I've never encountered a Muslim who's said this is acceptable, in fact they volunteer an opinion similar to mine..but of course you'll think they're lying.

It is Islam that has the issue from within, not the outside world having a vendetta against Islam.

Islam may have many negative issues, but the activities you're trying to associate them ALL with simply do not apply, otherwise we 'infidels' would all already be dead after making trips in minicabs or picking prescriptions up from doctors and dentists.

as for balls maybe one day you'll grow a pair


I'm quite happy to put my head above the parapet and defend the position of fair play and even handedness..the easy play to the gallery-gratuitously deriding Islam and associating all Muslims with the activities of extremists has no interest to me whatsoever.


Incidentally, you might be surprised to learn that on an Islamic forum I occasionally contribute you, some members believe I'm a Christian apologist..and I give the exact same message to them too.

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I'm not getting to involved in this because I'm tired of trying to cover the same old ground time and time and time again but just firstly wanted to wish the girl well and hope she makes a full recovery.


I also want to address a couple of these points


as for the same old "the majority do not condone this ". Opinion polls have shown that 1 in 4 British Muslims say 7/7 bombings were justified[/Quote]


I've never personally met a British Muslim who thinks this, however, while I don't agree with that sentiment I can see how the constant one sided views many British people have about Islam could contribute to such a feeling. In other words, both 'sides' contain idiots that goad each other on and these idiots (from both sides) most definately are responsible for increasing anti British sentiment.


One third of Palestinians (32%) supported the slaughter of a Jewish family, including the children[/Quote]


And I'm sure 1/3 of Israelis think the same about the other side, that is in itself a stupid conflict from which both sides need to wake up and see they are no better than those they are fighting against.


This behaviour is seen as acceptable by a large majority of Muslims[/Quote]


Really? Are you not confusing large majority with large number? Two very different things.


It is Islam that has the issue from within[/Quote]


Totally agree that Islam has issues it needs to sort out.


not the outside world having a vendetta against Islam[/Quote]


Completely disagree, the 'outside' world has a massive chip on its shoulder over Islam, and if that chip was removed that would take most of the power away from these nutcase terrorist groups. The problem is the outside world are so paranoid they can't let themselves relax regarding Islam.

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I've no problem denouncing the Taliban..so what's your point? They tried to kill a 14 year old Muslim who disagreed with them, so clearly all Muslims are not the same.



If you don't mind I'd like to see those polls, the nature of the questions, who the sample group were and how many they numbered, otherwise you may as well have polled viewers of Family Fortunes.

What does that have to do with the attempted murder of a 14 year old Muslim girl?

Have a look at the OP in the thread titled "Muslim Rage-a different view"

You saw what the media wanted you to see, the other 999 million Muslims were sat at home mashing tea.

How do you know? I've never encountered a Muslim who's said this is acceptable, in fact they volunteer an opinion similar to mine..but of course you'll think they're lying.

Islam may have many negative issues, but the activities you're trying to associate them ALL with simply do not apply, otherwise we 'infidels' would all already be dead after making trips in minicabs or picking prescriptions up from doctors and dentists.



I'm quite happy to put my head above the parapet and defend the position of fair play and even handedness..the easy play to the gallery-gratuitously deriding Islam and associating all Muslims with the activities of extremists has no interest to me whatsoever.


Incidentally, you might be surprised to learn that on an Islamic forum I occasionally contribute you, some members believe I'm a Christian apologist..and I give the exact same message to them too.


You beat me to it :rant:

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