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14yr old girl reported as injured by the Taliban.

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So they do it because they are well aware that it pushes the right buttons in the west and they feed off the hate.


They do it because they believe it's right, we react which justifies it to them even more.


The difficulty lies in the fact that those in this country who are influenced by them see the idiots shouting from the rooftops that all Muslims are terrorists, take that on board and form the view that all the British think that all Muslims are terrorists and the vicious circle roles on. Idiots goading idiots goading idiots.

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I don't know that it's us that suffer paranoia, moreso Islamist extremists that know there dilusional thinking offers nothing and their only answer to their obvious inability to peacefully persuade and enlist followers is to commit acts of violence on those that have alternative beliefs.


Politicians in the west look at life through a magnifying glass and truly believe that the problem is far greater than it is.


One solution might be to ignore them, don't satiate their hunger for recognition.


This is not lesson to malala but whole civil society who are against Taliban and its counter military operation.Taliban methodology has been penetrated in our system by the blessing of US love and secret games of army establishment and still they have full support from inner side of military so one has to accept them and they can only be swapped in same manner as they were groomed like that.So In Malala attack one cant rule out interest of establishment too to justify their future war games in SWAT and for getting the sympathies of nation which is dimensioning in more faster rate

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Just heard on the news a 14yr old girl has been killed by the Taliban in Pakistan.

Her crime - speaking up for girls rights regarding education.

How brave of the Taliban eh.

i also read in the paper today, think it was mondays sun that the taliban targetted a peace protest in pakistan against US drones?

which in effect youd think theyd agree with since the drones are generally after them and their ilk?

the mind boggles

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According to the BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-19893309 she's still alive at the moment.




That would only be true if all Muslims supported the Taliban, which they don't. Otherwise the Taliban would rule every Muslim country. Not all Catholics support the IRA. Not all Christians supported Hitler. Not everyone lives in a simple black and white world.




It's not this simple black and white, good and bad Muslims concept that's the problem is it.

Islam has gender roles built into the religion, which do indeed place women as secondary. This is mainstream thought. Why do you think men can have multiple wives but not women multiple husbands?


There are moderates, there are extremists - but there are also circles of people who aren't quite extremists, but think offensive books should be burned. Not quite going to blow themselves up, but think men run the household. Not going to shoot 14 year olds, but thinks everyone should be forced to pray.



there are also Muslims who are not what you'd call 'extremists', but equally hold views very much at odds with Western principles, such as the criminalisation of homosexuality, or of blasphemy.

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there are also Muslims who are not what you'd call 'extremists', but equally hold views very much at odds with Western principles, such as the criminalisation of homosexuality, or of blasphemy.


You've not been watching the Tory party conference then this week jc?

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