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Did Anyone Travel From Sheffield Victoria Station ?

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Did Anyone Travel From Sheffield Victoria Station?



1. Yes, I did. Others also did.


2. I travelled to Mancunium on several occasions to watch football and cricket matches and get autographs during the late 60's.


3. Atween '62 and '67 I travelled with my parents on the boat train to Harwich times thrice. We were on our way to visit relatives who lived abroad.


4. After the Sheffield Victoria station closed , did the boat train continue, but from Midland Station? I seem to recall when Dad worked at Twist Drill at Summerfield Street he had a Polish workpal called Alec[sp] who travelled each summer back to his homeland by train and boat. We were on the same train [71-72] , butbI can't remember if it was the boat train to Harwich or whether it was a normal train to London where we would have changed to get one to Dover. Any info will be appreciated.


5. I lived overseas '75-'92. In the late 90's I was wanting to go to Liverpool to watch my favourite musician Jan Akkerman, perform. I went to Midland station to enquire about trains to Liverpool. At the station I asked a railway bloke for info. He told me there was a train called a 'Sprinter', to which I asked if he meant the boat train. He looked at me in a most despairing manner, then said...Where have you been for the last 20 odd years mate? Lol.


6. In 1969 I was travelling back to Sheffield frum Manchester [or Huddersfield] and the train stopped at Penistone. My pal of the day and I spoke through the opened window with two lasses stood on the platform. Any road [any rail], for the next 5-6 weeks [sundays] we travelled to Penis tone and went 'awalkin' with these two girls.


7. Steviered mentioned in a post that all the great stations have gone now, Sheffield Victoria, Nottingham Victoria and Leicester Central. He forgot to mention Liverpool Victoria.


8. I also remember the white shiny tiles on the wall down in the subway.

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... After the Sheffield Victoria station closed , did the boat train continue, but from Midland Station...
Yes - it continued into the 1980s under the name The European, and for a time ran from Glasgow via the West Coast Main Line, Preston and Manchester. It stopped running when the ferries began to carry less foot passengers.
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Yes - it continued into the 1980s under the name The European, and for a time ran from Glasgow via the West Coast Main Line, Preston and Manchester. It stopped running when the ferries began to carry less foot passengers.


hello zakes the polish person you refer to was named alec plascheck and I worked with alec for a number of years at dormer tools unfortunately alec passed away while boarding a plane to visit is native poland

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There was also a lift, complete with an attendant who collected a fare of ½d from each passenger.


In the early 1960s my school pals and I used to go to Crewe from Sheffield Victoria, via Manchester Piccadilly, for a day's trainspotting. The half-fare day return to Manchester cost 4s.9d and from Manchester to Crewe and back cost 3s.6d - total 8s.3d or about 41p. Sometimes I would get up early and go to Victoria station to see the Master Cutler leave at 7-40 am - it was usually an A3, often 60102 Sir Frederick Banbury. Memories...


I have a Sheffield "bus guide" dated May 1954 which has a complete list of departures from Victoria station. Anyone who would like JPEG scans is welcome to PM me an email address.


Was just going to mention the " Lift "

I used to

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I remember the station well and it has brought back fond memories of my dad taking me fishing to five mile house and the football specials.I am sure that pitsmoor wmc had the annual kids trip by train in the 50's.I think I still have the photo of the boys brigade outing to York from the station,happy carefree days.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I traveled regularly from the Victoria to work in Manchester for a few years before the line closed. It was a great service for me but when it closed it was not practical for me to use the other line. I remember locomotives which I think were called Pandora and Electra.

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... I remember locomotives which I think were called Pandora and Electra.
Yes indeed - here is a photo of 27006 Pandora at Sheffield Victoria in 1965. The other six passenger locos. were Electra, Ariadne, Aurora, Diana, Juno and Minerva. When the passenger service ended in 1970 they were not scrapped but sold to the Netherlands; here is another photo of Pandora in service there..:)
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  • 2 weeks later...


Wadsley bridge,





To name but a few.


hiya,don't forget totley and millhouses, the last time I used a train was from millhouse station some went to the midland in town, me I lived at heeley at the time and got off there only on Fridays, why ? the roads were always full of cars, the bus fare was 8d, the train fare was 10d and it was quicker, no sooner had you got on it was a waste of time looking for a seat.

I wrote some while ago on another thread about an old mate whose dad was a porter at the royal Victoria hotel and he told us of the night he was on lift duty, a quiet night he told us, when asking what floor the man wanted and it was boris Karloff no other he was at the lyceum theatre, this was the early 50s.

Edited by willybite
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