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Did Anyone Travel From Sheffield Victoria Station ?

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Yes, I think you're right, Voldy. Platform 1 was nearest to the entrance, and it had a slight left-hand curve when looking east, as per the photo (here is a map). To the right of the view in the photo was a wall separating the station from the Royal Victoria Hotel. Here is a view of the same platform buildings looking west, and a view from the track looking towards Platforms 1 and 3.

Edited by hillsbro
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Precise confirmation with excellent supporting information (as usual!). Why do the portions of the OS plans we want always seem to fall on the joint of 4 different sheets?!! :)


Yes Voldy very true with the O.S. maps. I found it somewhat ironic that on some site (S.F. or something) a Sheffielder had re-possessed copies of maps issued in WW2 to the Luftwaffe that were just as detailed. Quite strange to see the city we all know identified in German. Tennant's at Lady's Bridge was a 'Braueri' and Firth-Brown's a 'Stahlwerke'.

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Precise confirmation with excellent supporting information (as usual!). Why do the portions of the OS plans we want always seem to fall on the joint of 4 different sheets?!! :)
It's just Murphy's Law which states If a thing can happen, it probably will. The higher the inconvenience potential, the greater the probability..:P.PhotoShop was useful as always. :)
...Tennant's at Lady's Bridge was a 'Brauerei' and Firth-Brown's a 'Stahlwerke'.
And Nether Edge Hospital was an Armenhaus (literally "poorhouse") as it was once a workhouse. As such it was marked as a target, because the large kitchens could have fed the vast numbers of bombed-out Sheffielders that Goering and his Lufwaffe hoped would result from their raids. :|
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Yes, I think you're right, Voldy. Platform 1 was nearest to the entrance, and it had a slight left-hand curve when looking east, as per the photo (here is a map). To the right of the view in the photo was a wall separating the station from the Royal Victoria Hotel. Here is a view of the same platform buildings looking west, and a view from the track looking towards Platforms 1 and 3.


There is a photo of the buildings, which are cottage like, on Hillsbro's post number 246 in ''Britain in Old Photographs (Sheffield)'' by Geoffrey Howse. I have the second print in 2000, the first being 1997. The photo is entitled ''Victoria Station, 3 August 1981: shortly before demolition. (SCL.)'' I believe, due to several features, that it is the same building and taken from the same angle but slightly further back. It shows one more window to the left and then the end of the block. However, it could be that some of the building had been demolished as there are signs of plaster on the end face. Interestingly, it's apparently earlier than the pic on hillsbro's post number 246 as there are the remains of electrification gantries in foreground of pic and in the far distance, along what was the track, near the small buildings with the little chimney.


Here's a link to another pic of the same building in 1985, but further along. I believe what could be some of the same buildings in the distance which had the small chimney can be seen.




I'm not familiar with the location, so I could be completely off the mark. :)



Edited by PeterR
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Hi PeterR - the photo you linked actually shows Platform 5 at the far side of the station, looking west towards the Wicker. The former Star Corn Mills on Brunswick Road belonging to Wigfull & Co (a 1980s demolition photo) can be seen left of centre, and the roof of the Wicker Good Depot in the middle. The low wall and bridge parapets at the right can be seen on this photo that I took looking back at Platforms 4/5 from a train in January 1981, shortly before the line closed.

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Hi PeterR - the photo you linked actually shows Platform 5 at the far side of the station, looking west towards the Wicker. The former Star Corn Mills on Brunswick Road belonging to Wigfull & Co (a 1980s demolition photo) can be seen left of centre, and the roof of the Wicker Good Depot in the middle. The low wall and bridge parapets at the right can be seen on this photo that I took looking back at Platforms 4/5 from a train in January 1981, shortly before the line closed.


Thanks hillsbro. Have managed to work it all out now with your help and that of my 1991 A to Z street guide. :)

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  • 2 months later...

70 years ago this month I recall visiting a one day exhibition at Sheffield Victoria Station held to celebrate the Centenary of the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincoln Railway.


The LNER were ready to reinstate their plans for the electrification of the Manchester to Sheffield line and displayed new locomotives (Steam & Electric) and rolling stock for post-war services. This foolscap size list shows the principal exhibits, it has been given a background colour to improve the readability of the typed content.


Being only months after the end of the war the Company were obviously keen to show their proposals to restore what had become a run-down system due to very heavy wartime use. Film was not readily available at that time so no pictures are available to me unless you can assist (?)

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Thank you very much hillsbro for the supporting pictures, they give the list more meaning. I do have the 'Replica' 00 gauge (Hong Kong made) model of the B1 'Springbok' from the late 80's,but have not yet photographed it!

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