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Sex Offenders: Double Standards

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I have just read a news report (link below) about how a woman in her 30s who had a sexual relationship with a boy of 15 and when being discovered, received a lenient sentence (non custodial). See link below:




Now, not only I am shocked to see how she got off lightly with this but how the press have reported the story. It appears to me, it's a case of double standards with both the press and judiciary. I can't help but think had this been a man, he would have received a custodial sentence and a good hounding from the press to boot.


Would love to hear opinions on this.

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There's definitely double standards in the way the media portray statutory rape by women on minors in comparison to men.


I'm not sure about the justice in this case. She got a 9 months suspended sentence, and I'm not sure what a man would get in similar circumstances. It wouldn't surprise me if double standards were employed here as well.

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When I was 15 I was "seduced" by a very attractive 25 year old woman. I spent an Easter weekend with her. I learned a great deal over those few days and have in the fifty odd years since used that experience and have always treated women with respect, gentility and honesty.


By todays standards I was "abused" Every 15 year old man should be so "abused", the world would be a better place.

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When I was 15 I was "seduced" by a very attractive 25 year old woman. I spent an Easter weekend with her. I learned a great deal over those few days and have in the fifty odd years since used that experience and have always treated women with respect, gentility and honesty.


By todays standards I was "abused" Every 15 year old man should be so "abused", the world would be a better place.


What about 15 year old girls. Should they be abused too?

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Reminds when i was a 15 year old and just starting to get seriously interested in girls ,there was a woman on our backs in her mid twenties ,very nice,who was well known to like getting young lads in her house,one day it was my turn,Hooray, somebody decide to go and knock on my door and tell my mother who didnt give a fig for propriety,she came banging on the door shouting and caalling her all the names she could think of,a few I had never heard as well ,well that were it I was out and the woman moved...arnt parents sometimes spoilsports :(

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