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Turkey and Syria : an old fashioned proxy war ?

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Do you thin Iran will simply stand back and watch its ally being attacked by Turkey?



It will.


It always does.


Watch this space.

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Do you thin Iran will simply stand back and watch its ally being attacked by Turkey?


Yes I think they would. Why wouldn't they have intervened already against the rebels in order to keep Assad in power?

Iran doesn't want a war nor doing anything that might subsequently involve NATO and especially the US.

When and if Assad is toppled Iran will just start making deals with whoever takes over or interfering as much as they can. They might even want some new regime that is not particularly friendly to the west with Al Qaeda influence as part of it

It would certainly be in their interests

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It will.


It always does.


Watch this space.


That's a valid point. I know they fought Iraq for 10 years, but Iraq started it. I know they've funded and trained terrorist groups, but for all their sabre rattling i do not recall them starting all out war with anyone.

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Major power is already there


We just have cowards who dare not do anything

You ought to know, being one. When you dare go out there and save the world I'll wish you well, but don't expect it to happen.
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Do you thin Iran will simply stand back and watch its ally being attacked by Turkey?
The Turks developed an awesome reputation as fighting men against us in WW1, and with us in Korea. The Iranians not so.
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There's a lot of chatter on Twitter this evening that Assad will be heavily bombarded next week.


Lets definitely watch this space.


That, no doubt, is by the members of the artillery battalions or attack squadrons who will be bombarding Assad.


Or somewhere he might possibly be.


Is anybody suggesting a strike? (As opposed to an attack.)

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Considering their respective orders of battle (particularly air power, see Syria here and Turkey here), I wouldn't give much about Syria - and they must know it.


Syria still has one of the best air defenses in the middle east.They would have been bombed months ago if it was easy.Damascus is ringed with S300 missile systems.They can take any plane out of the sky.


Unlike most countries who have 3 armed forces (Army,Navy and Air) Syria has 4 with one being air defense only with 40000 soldiers manning missile systems.


Expect some downed planes and dead pilots if it were to happen.


Air power will overcome it no doubt but not a chance without casualties.

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Syria still has one of the best air defenses in the middle east.
They said that of Libya too, and look what happened. The hardware is only as good as the personnel manning it ;)

They would have been bombed months ago if it was easy. Damascus is ringed with S300 missile systems.They can take any plane out of the sky.
The Turks don't need to go anywhere near Damascus, they can just interdict airspace around the country (and have the flying tankers to permit that). Though I suppose they'd try early, if only to try to take out the C-C-C infrastructure from the off.

Expect some downed planes and dead pilots if it were to happen.


Air power will overcome it no doubt but not a chance without casualties.

All goes without saying, but I'd expect cruise missiles and long-range attack chopper missions to clear a path through the AA. Std modus operandi these days.


The Turks have got to be weary of it all right, after losing a plane earlier this year.

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