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Turkey and Syria : an old fashioned proxy war ?

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Of course we had nothing but plaudits and backslaps for Syria (during the more repressive regime of Bashar's dad that is).


total nonsense. There was a big flurry of activity to get them onside in 1990 for the Gulf war, that wasn't just about the need to find an Arab ally against Iraq, but also to stick one into the Russians, whose client state Syria had been up until then, as the Soviet Union was collapsing around the same time. After that they were more or less totally ignored. After 9/11, again a bit of activity to get them onside. The western liberal democracies have on the whole, taken a decidely dim view of Syria, and Hafez al-Assad. It's always been obvious that it's an especially appalling regime.

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relations between the west and the Syrian regime, have always been bad. First when they were a Soviet client state where they, like Iraq, were batting for the other side, and also because of their conduct in Lebanon which they occupied for thirty years. And then there's them providing protection for terrorists, some of whom had the blood of western citizens on their hands, killing Rafik Hariri and their appalling human rights record in general on top of that. Syria and the western countries have never been allies at all except for one brief show period in 1990-91. France usually had better relations with them than the rest, with it being one of their former colonies.

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I see the Syrians have tried to re-open their Lebanese branch with that massive great big car bomb explosion in Beirut again, killing a whole bunch of people in a foreign country like before. It's a dirty dirty dirty game.


Just because Syria is the go to place to accuse everyone doesn`t make it fact.


Former MP, Michel Samaha, who was a Pro-Assad politician with personal ties to Bashar was arrested and confessed to helping a bomb plot organized by the Assad government. General Hasan foiled the bomb plot.

That`s the supposed motive which is a reasonable accusation but still an accusation only with no proof.


What would Syria possibly hope to gain through a car bomb or starting a conflict on the southern borders when they are on the brink with Turkey on their Northern borders?

The FSA and their terrorist friends are the ones who will do anything to justify a NATO intervention in Syria.


Anytime anything like this happens their should really only be one main question.


Who benefits?


Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran have all condemned the bombing and cite it as a provocation to start a greater sectarian war, from which none will benefit.


Time will tell i guess.

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