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Internet regulations

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It's ridiculous, it's stifling UK based internet businesses as well as normal internet users. It makes me want to move to the USA. It wouldn't be possible to run Facebook, Twitter, Google or Youtube in this country due to all the regulations restricting free speech.

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It's ridiculous, it's stifling UK based internet businesses as well as normal internet users. It makes me want to move to the USA. It wouldn't be possible to run Facebook, Twitter, Google or Youtube in this country due to all the regulations restricting free speech.

You don't want to move there, that's worse place you can be


Your best here, this is only country that is safe

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By knowing what is right and wrong


You must know when your doing something wrong?.....whatever it is


Not necessarily. For example when a famous footballer (I dont even know if we can still name him) had an affair with Imogen Thomas. My right or wrong radar so to speak would have favoured disclosure as it was one sided towards the footballer.


Yet the law disagreed with me and if I'd posted about it I could have been sued.

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You don't want to move there, that's worse place you can be


Your best here, this is only country that is safe


To run an internet business the USA is a much better place than here in the UK, especially if it's one that relies on freedom of speech being protected.

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Mod Note

Now hang on a bit - That raises an interesting point!


What if the mods miss something and as a result legal action is taken.


Who is responsible for the misdemeanor - the poster or the mods? :huh:

The poster is responsible in every case.


If we are notified of an issue and fail to act and a subsequent legal action is taken, then the board might be held responsible as well as the poster.


However there is a chance we may not have seen the notification as moderators are not here all the time.


So if we miss something, we might be held responsible, however the person who made the offending post is always responsible for it's content.


This is all in the site rules

Reporting abuse

23. Posts on the Website are not actively monitored. If you wish to report a post you should click “Report Post” under any post which you think breaches our Terms.

24. We are not liable for posts submitted by Users unless we are on notice of their unlawfulness. In order to put us on notice, you should properly substantiate reports, detailing the words or pictures you wish to report, their location on the Website and explaining to us why they are unlawful.

I hope that answers that particular question, however any further queries regarding moderation should be directed to the helpdesk.
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