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Student discounts? what about Forces discounts!

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please tell me how you came to the conclusion that students are spoilt?

let me tell you, im working 3 jobs in my final year of uni and by next April i will be £20,000 in debt to "better" myself, so when i see a foolish comment like this it really gets me angry.


What are you studying?

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Student discounts? what as these little spoilt ungrateful kids ever done to deserve any type of discount, what about our Service people getting a discount, showing them a big thankyou for what they do for this country, Stundent Discount, HOW DARE YOU!


Its easy to see who failed their GCSEs isnt it?I think this is perhaps a case of sour grapes.Many students are mature,and as parents will have made numerous sacrifices already.Indeed they have deferred the chance to earn so they can learn vital skills to contribute to the economy.many will operate,extract teeth and may even work in a medical career.

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As you will never have the mettle required to compare yourself with your betters in uniformed service – those who protect your freedom to spout left wing drivel - you really ought not to criticise them.


In many cases the armed forces hve been used to break strikes etc. and restrict free speech.How does their presence in Afghanistan impact upon free speech?


Why is the possession of mettle crucial if one is to make a comparison?

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In many cases the armed forces hve been used to break strikes etc. and restrict free speech.How does their presence in Afghanistan impact upon free speech?


Why is the possession of mettle crucial if one is to make a comparison?


Cheeky monkey, you'd have been thrilled to see a green goddess when your house was on fire during the last fire service strike !


Forces get a load of discounts, you just don't see many local offers as we don't have any military bases in sheffield.

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Student discounts? what as these little spoilt ungrateful kids ever done to deserve any type of discount, what about our Service people getting a discount, showing them a big thankyou for what they do for this country, Stundent Discount, HOW DARE YOU!


Who do you think administers medical treatment to soldiers when they're injured?


People who have recieved a university education.

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