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Speeding fine Renishaw

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"parked at the bottom of the hill" :mad:

they're often situated in places like that, and where it drops from National Limit to 30 or 40.

It's too easy. :(


They like to have one at the top of Cookswood road, this is a very steep hill, going down it even with engine breaking you have to keep tapping the brakes to stay within the speed limit, I often see people who I estimate have drifted over this limit.


They also like to place one on Halifax road, just as it turns from 40-30.

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Something I’m not sure of when I see the speed vans. Do they always use the rear window, or do they sometimes use the front windscreen? Do they ever use both at the same time? Do they always aim at the front of vehicles coming towards them, or do they sometimes aim at the rear of vehicles who have already passed them?


I remember an item on Look North (probably over a year ago), where they were talking about a new camera (being used in North Yorks IIRC), which was able to speed check a vehicle a long way away, ie long before the motorist sees them. The problem with the item, though, was that they showed it filming a motorcycle coming towards them from a long way off – not a lot of use as there’s no number plate on the front.


Maybe such technology uses radar rather than ANPR?

Radar picking up airplanes in the air miles away ... Radar picking up cars at 1000 metres ...

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If this incident was in Renishaw, It is highly likely that it happened along the stretch of road (the A615) from the motorway, where the speed limit changes rapidly, in the space of a few hundred yards, from a 40MPH zone to a 30 MPH zone.


(40 MPH here

https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=a6135,+Renishaw&hl=en&ll=53.292515,-1.300592&spn=0.008901,0.038581&sll=53.296517,-1.331234&sspn=0.0395,0.109863&t=h&hnear=A6135,+Renishaw,+Derbyshire+S21,+United+Kingdom&z=15&layer=c&cbll=53.292512,-1.308801&panoid=jM8RdDSwm-zwFb_oy4KmKg&cbp=11,298.69,,0,1.9 )



40 limit here



Slow-warning on road here:-




300 yard warning here for the 30 limit



there was a speed camera very sneakily placed at the bottom of the hill, near the Mulan Restaurant.


It didn't used to be well signposted, and it caught a lot of speeding drivers out.


As you come down the hill, it's now very well signposted that the change in speed limit is coming up. There's a countdown 300 yards,


150 yards warning for the 30 mph limit



warning for speed camera/ 30mph zone




From this,looks like even the google car is near the knuckle


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The thing is, if you are speeding and driving so inattentively that you fail to notice a speed trap, you are a bit of a menace to other road users.


The one I've seen in Renishaw looks just like an ordinary van.. it's not liveried up wth the dayglo stuff..so you can see it and still not realise it's a camera...

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If this incident was in Renishaw, It is highly likely that it happened along the stretch of road (the A615) from the motorway, where the speed limit changes rapidly, in the space of a few hundred yards, from a 40MPH zone to a 30 MPH zone.


(40 MPH here

https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=a6135,+Renishaw&hl=en&ll=53.292515,-1.300592&spn=0.008901,0.038581&sll=53.296517,-1.331234&sspn=0.0395,0.109863&t=h&hnear=A6135,+Renishaw,+Derbyshire+S21,+United+Kingdom&z=15&layer=c&cbll=53.292512,-1.308801&panoid=jM8RdDSwm-zwFb_oy4KmKg&cbp=11,298.69,,0,1.9 )



40 limit here



Slow-warning on road here:-




300 yard warning here for the 30 limit



there was a speed camera very sneakily placed at the bottom of the hill, near the Mulan Restaurant.


It didn't used to be well signposted, and it caught a lot of speeding drivers out.


As you come down the hill, it's now very well signposted that the change in speed limit is coming up. There's a countdown 300 yards,


150 yards warning for the 30 mph limit



warning for speed camera/ 30mph zone




From this,looks like even the google car is near the knuckle



The van is usually in this disused entrance on the left..




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The one I've seen in Renishaw looks just like an ordinary van.. it's not liveried up wth the dayglo stuff..so you can see it and still not realise it's a camera...


But you did see it:)

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Saw the van easily but only realised it was a camera when it would have been too late to do anything about it had I been speeding... :) Seeing a van is not quite the same as recognising it as a speed camera set-up..


Fair enough.


The only one's that I've ever seen have been pretty obviously speed cameras. Maybe I only see the obvious ones.:)

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that's tickled me... you do know what the building on the right used to be, don't you?


The local Cop-shop! lol lol lol (And the court-house immediately next door!)

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