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What if i stop claiming benefits before i start my lawsuit?

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I may have misunderstood this whole situation but it all seems quite reasonable and common sense to me:


If, because of an injury caused by Company A, i'm entitled to an extra £1000 a year in benefits, then when an insurance company decide to pay me £10,000 as compensation for that injury they will deduct the £1000 and give me £9000. They will have to repay that £1000 to the state as they have had to foot the bill in the short term for the situation Company A have admitted/been found liable for?




Got it in one.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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Got it in one.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android



But the OP wants to stop claiming benefits so he can keep the whole amount but he has been unable to work due to various "conditions" some unrelated to the incident he is seeking compensation for.


Does this sound right?

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But the OP wants to stop claiming benefits so he can keep the whole amount but he has been unable to work due to various "conditions" some unrelated to the incident he is seeking compensation for.


Does this sound right?

It does, when his condition is manifestly curable by a large-enough payout :twisted:;)
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But the OP wants to stop claiming benefits so he can keep the whole amount


But the whole amount is the same either way.


The amount of benefits received will be deducted from the compensation. So either stop benefits and get the whole amount or keep claiming and receive compensation minus benefits already received.


Seems simple enough :huh: Why does the OP think he'll get more if he stops claiming benefits?

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OK I currently get DLA mobility. And I'm claiming JSA. I don't want them to deduct my compensation because with regards to my DLA it will say I am disabled so they will prolly make decisions for me, which I don't want. With regards to my JSA, I'm not sure because I want to start private Businesses and would have the financial backing to do it. Should I close both claims and start an Incapacity Benefit. You guys are not listening to what I asked, I want everything, all of it, just for me, nothing deducted because I don't think I'm doing this on No Win No Fee.


My husband was in a bad car accident, had to have an operation, which ment for the first time in his life he had to claim benefits.


He got DLA, but was entitled to compensation due to him being the passenger, in the meantime whilst the compensation was going through, he felt well enough to go back to work.


He came off DLA, obviously, returned to work, he got his comp through, and DLA took £14.000 back off him, which he had claimed in payments.


So claiming or not, if you get a high payout from you compensation, they will make you pay back some or all DLA payments back.

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But the whole amount is the same either way.


The amount of benefits received will be deducted from the compensation. So either stop benefits and get the whole amount or keep claiming and receive compensation minus benefits already received.


Seems simple enough :huh: Why does the OP think he'll get more if he stops claiming benefits?


Pure Greed!!!!!!

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The court makes the appointment. Someone applies to be appointed. By definition, one is appointed only if you are unfit to make decisions for yourself.


I have Anxiety and Depression. Can I have my family member be appointed as Deputy? how does one apply? If I stay on Jobseekers Allowance, does that mean I'm fit to make decisions for myself? Because Iw as thinking of applying for ESA but don't know if I should now based on what you say.

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Are you saying that you now dont have the mental capacity to take the case on yourself and you now have a doctors certificate stating that you must have a litigation friend?


This Jackanory gets even better.


one minute its..... do I need to come off benefit to avoid paying recoverable CRU.


Next thread was..... "World record compensation payment" and your delusion that you were certain you had a winning claim.


and suddenly now its....... can I fake capacity to instruct, recruit an appointed LF and keep my benefit.


What are you playing at here.


You really need to shape up and get very very aware that the court dont like the p*** taken out of them. You do one slip and they will chew you up and spit you out. That will obviously leave you liable for your solicitor costs and the Defendant solicitors costs.


You seemed perfectly conherent in your original post and second thread. Why the sudden change of tact.


I feel you really aren't genuine. However, I will make it very clear if by some tiny chance you do have a claim.....




Contempt of Court applies to ALL court proceedings not just big criminal trials. You sign something that you do not have an honest belief in, you attempt to lie about your income/loss/expenditure, you attempt to cheat the court system and it could lead to a severe fine or even imprisonment.


Go to a solicitor and get some proper advice. Stop trying to be a smart arse and fraud your way to a full award of compensation. ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.


You have now had across your threads two lawyers telling what to do. You seem to be completely ignoring the advice. you will regret it.

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PS: Before you answer I would also like to remind you that in your opening post you state that you "....want to start a private business"


and now you say that you are considering applying for a litigation friend due to your lack of capacity to manage a claim.


See the slight contradiction here. Its things like this that a Defendant and Court would spot 1000 miles away and rip you to shreds.


Think very carefully before proceeding with this.

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