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Use of Cannabis? Discuss Sensibly!

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Next time there's a free party on the Devonshire Green, I advise everyone (including you, Halevan), to get yourselves down and find me. I will get you all mildly caned for free, and you can see for yourselves what the effects are like. Yes, you'll be participating in illegal behaviour, but if you can ignore that for the three minutes it will take you'll have a cracking time.


Any takers/tokers?

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Waxy Chuff, don't go getting yourself arrested for conspiracy to supply will you?


Don't expect too much from your first experience of cannabis. Some first users never experience any effects at all. However if Waxy feeds you some locally grown white widow or kalashnikov then you may experience feeling conspicuous or anxious. Avoid this by only taking a very small amount at first and leave it for at least 20 minutes to allow the effects to develop. If nothing, take a little more and do the same. Bring a pair of mirror shades for psychic comfort, relax and enjoy the nuances of the music, the whiteness of the clouds and the general ambience of the gathering.


Shall I bring some nice fresh mushrooms?


A few liberty caps, just enough to open up the space without propelling you into it. No finer way to spend a sunny afternoon listening to music and tuning in to the hum of the earth.


All perfectly legal and (relatively) safe.

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...feeling anxious/paranoid the first time? how about the people who feel like that every time or after smoking for years suddenly start feeling like that or a lot worse.


And before the old "medical tests havent shown any proven link between dope and mental illness" line is trotted out I think I'll mention the amount of people I've known personally even if only to talk to them at a party/rave/club who can never touch the stuff again due to how messed up they got on it.

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Originally posted by gloworm

...feeling anxious/paranoid the first time? how about the people who feel like that every time or after smoking for years suddenly start feeling like that or a lot worse.

Cannabis isn't mandatory - if it messes you up, don't take it. Same can be said for any activity, I don't see how that changes anything. Waxy's point is that many people find it a pleasant and subtle psychedelic with few drawbacks. If your first toke on a spliff sends you into an anxiety attack, then I'd definitely leave it alone.

And before the old "medical tests havent shown any proven link between dope and mental illness" line is trotted out I think I'll mention the amount of people I've known personally even if only to talk to them at a party/rave/club who can never touch the stuff again due to how messed up they got on it.

You actually failed to mention the amount of people who got permanently messed up on this. What were their diagnoses? Anecdotal evidence like this should certainly play a part in any research done on the subject, but in and of itself, it doesn't count for much.


It pays to deal with facts, and it takes research to establish them in the first place.


In the UK we have a very well established culture of peer review in journals. Published research on the effects of smoking cannabis is inconclusive, simply because there isn't enough research to tell us either way. Also, because of prohibition, most research is funded by pro/anti lobbies who will skew the results to their own ends as much as they can without compromising the broad accuracy of the report (i.e 'spin').

I certainly recognise that susceptible individuals can respond to cannabis in very negative ways, but millions use it regularly and really only suffer the same kind of ill effects as tobacco smokers. In some cases it will aggravate mental health problems. Just like drink. There is also evidence that shows that people with mental illness sometimes find cannabis alleviates their symptoms, as well as those for whom cannabis aggravates their symptoms.

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Originally posted by Phanerothyme

I was going to ask why you lied about searching google, but then we'd be dritfing off the topic of 'Cannabis Cafe in Sheffield' (well, were pretty far off it already, but still relevent at least).


Any other baffling errors in my post that I can clear up for you? :)

there are three deliberate errors here just for you t020


1) What does "dritfing" mean?

2) Don't you mean "we're", not "were"? Don't forget apostrophes.

3) What does "relevent" mean? The nearest match that I assume you meant to say is "relevant".


Not very challenging Phanerothyme, and very off topic, but all good fun.

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>You actually failed to mention the amount of people who got >permanently messed up on this. What were their diagnoses? >Anecdotal evidence like this should certainly play a part in any >research done on the subject, but in and of itself, it doesn't >count for much.


In actual fact the figure may be only "a few" but this is in any case academic as my post was in response to those which seemed to be inveigling people who had never smoked before into having a toke by saying "as long as you take x amount and are on your guard for this particular side effect" you should be sorted".


I myself am still involved in a scene where consumption of (Class A yet alone B) drugs can be conservatively said to be "pretty widespread" (although I myself have not partaken for nearly 2 years) and think it is up to every responsible adult to make up their own minds what they choose to put in their bodies. However I think it is morally dubious at the least to make the indulging in drugs seem attractive by only biggin' up their "positive" side of a forum read by some who will be impressionable and/or naive.

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Originally posted by gloworm

However I think it is morally dubious at the least to make the indulging in drugs seem attractive by only biggin' up their "positive" side of a forum read by some who will be impressionable and/or naive.


I think we're probably agreed that whilst cannabis is far from harmless, either physically, psychically or socially, it is a substance that is enjoyed, habitually but in moderation, without excessive negative effects by many, many people.


I just posted to warn anyone considering Waxy Chuff's offer to be aware that large sudden doses of cannabis can cause confusion leading to feelings of anxiety, and how this might best be avoided. Harm Reduction , as it were. Comparably, three double whiskies in quick succession might prove troublesome for a teetotaller.


With any drug that you take for the first time, always take a tiny, tiny amount. This is known in scientific circles as 'nibbling'.


It's a way of seeing whether you are likely to have any adverse reaction and simultaneously minimising the amount of harm you can come to.

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