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Use of Cannabis? Discuss Sensibly!

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  • 5 years later...

I cant beleive some of the stuff people on here are posting.

I'm 18 years old and have smoked cannabis on a (very) regular basis since i was 13/14. I got 10 GCSE's and have nearly completed my college course.

Number of rapes= 0

Number of hard drugs taken= 0

Number of ANY criminal offences= 0


If only you people would stop believing all this anti-cannabis propaganda you're being fed in the papers (eg. MAN KILLS FAMILY AFTER GOING MAD ON CANNABIS) then you'd realise what a beautiful herb it is.


My typical friday night consists of going round to a friends house, buying an 1/8th of fresh cannabis and watching films all night long.


I could be in a pub getting sloshed, having fights, damaging public property etc. but i detest alcohol. Although I detest it, I would not have it banned because each to their own. Even though it kills hundreds of people a year.



....Get my point? We're not all braindead louts.

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I cant beleive some of the stuff people on here are posting.

I'm 18 years old and have smoked cannabis on a (very) regular basis since i was 13/14. I got 10 GCSE's and have nearly completed my college course.



....Get my point? We're not all braindead louts.


the irony is superb, a dope smoker responding angrily to a 5 year old thread. must've kept forgetting to reply :hihi:

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great thread.. i missed it the first time so am glad it got dragged back up and I think Sheffield could do with a coffeeshop of two... i used to live in Amsterdam and was there during Euro 2000. It was great to see how calm all the football fans/holligans became after a spliff or two... a few days later I saw some of the same faces rioting in Belgium Bars on the TV News.

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From a personal perspective my brother was a very heavy user from about the age of 14 and became severely schizophrenic. I'm sure there was a link. He smoked religiously and went on about how great it was. By the end he was in a psychiatric ward on a permanent section where he died. He would rarely talk but believed and did strange things, had audtitory and somatic hallucinations and was sometimes violent and very unpredictable. RIP Thomas.

I also have smoked and hung out with smokers and anyone who says it's not addictive is kidding themselves. It can become a full time hobby in itself and leave you foggy all the next day or even longer, not even talking about the paranoia.

I think that if it were legalised people, especially younger adults would think cool it must be ok then and get completely wasted all the time. We British like our parties.

Despite what happened to my brother members of my family still smoke it but not as ardently. Maybe he would have been like that anyway, but he was a devotee and I know many others who have become mentally ill from drugs, from short term paranoia spells to longer term psychotic episodes for the rest of your life.

Sure I agree with taking it for medicinal reasons but that's a far cry from turning into sofa veg barely talking.

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