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Use of Cannabis? Discuss Sensibly!

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A friend suffers with CIDP which is a muscle wasting condition and causes much pain to many joints. Prescribed pain killers are effective but a side effect of these causes loss of breath after walking short distances and lack of energy. Some time ago she came across the above substance and willing to try anything that might help she included some in a pancake mix. The effect was amazing, she had complete pain relief for 4 days but a side effect was a very high pounding heart rate. She has not used it since but I am sure that if it was prescribed correctly and considered in conjunction with medication already being taken for high blood pressure it would give safe relief from pain at a reasonable cost rather than lining the pockets of the illegal producers and dealers causing cost on the street at around 20GBP per gram.




Your friend needs to talk to her GP/pain management team about obtaining a prescription for Sativex.

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Some of us would have you believe that thousands would benefit from the therapeutic effects of this ancient medicine.... no matter what your state of health. Especially if it wasn't mixed with that dodgy tobacco toxic stuff all the time :lol: !


Yes indeed, tymr..i quite agree...if used by those with enough self control, in small quantities and responsably by adults.. you can even get small vapourising elements now which actually heat the plant up without burning it you you are only inhaling the vapours, not smoke.


It pains me to witness the effects of the prohibition on the youth..uneducated as to its effects and driven underground, it is smoked in hazardous and totally OTT quantities, with large amounts of [un-filtered] tabacco ( thats like inhaling cigar smoke directly into your lungs..) But this is the tradition must have arisen in order to disguise the smoking of the herb; it was the thing which had me addicted to nicotene for ten years( now i am thankfully rid of that addiction.) "Joints", like this are without doubt very bad for you. I am not necessarily an advocate legalisation however. If we had an herbal epidemic the like of that we have with alcohol, which is due to people basically self medicating it would not be a good thing. We need to ask why young people feel the need to take any drugs... Honest education.

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But this is the tradition must have arisen in order to disguise the smoking of the herb;


Rubbish! The reason its mixed with tobacco is so that its not as strong (still same strengh but its not all taken in 1 hit). Think of it as putting Coke (cola) in your drink with vodka.

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This is absolutely NOT the case in the Netherlands where a lower percentage of people smoke cannabis than here! I think you'll find it is often the illicitness of drugs that attracts many youngsters in the first place!


Well I've been well ensconced,in every sense, in the Amsterdam scene, staying and working in a youth hostel there for 6 weeks so I know what it's like. I have also worked with a lot of Dutch people, most of whom were very disapproving of cannabis and particularly Amsterdam and they said most are like that. They think Amsterdam is not somewhere they would go to and it is mainly foreigners in the coffee shops and brothels. Even though it irks me to admit it, as they know it (!) I think they are a very intelligent race and much of their legislation is streets ahead of ours, but so are their personal attitudes on health. On my travels it has been the Brits and Americans smoking the most and the Brits drinking the most. What works for one nation doesn't necessarily work for another. Has 24 hours drinking curbed alcohol problems? No. Has the smoking ban cut down smoking? Yes.


Having said that I do agree to some extent with decriminalisation in theory, but on the other hand when I have experienced what it can do to people how can I advocate it being made more easily available, particularly for adolescents who are most at risk and the least experienced in making an informed decision and doing things in moderation?

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not sure if anyone else has said this already but a cafe couldn't work whether or not cannabis was legal since no one can smoke inside anymore.


i have a close friend who is, for want of a better word, an addict, while it doesn't appear to have affected his mental health yet, it has made him unemployable since he seems to be permanently stoned. He claims to have tried to give up but can only seem to last a few days before relapsing.

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