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Use of Cannabis? Discuss Sensibly!

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what do you mean by someone else posting for me?

Don't even get me started with the alcohol. If you cannot do it sensibly then you shouldn't do it. About marihuana, do as you please, have it or not, cook with it if you like, it's not up to me to tell you what to do in your house to pass your time. The only thing that bothers me is when people say it doesn't affect you, it's just ridiculous.

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what do you mean by someone else posting for me?

Don't even get me started with the alcohol. If you cannot do it sensibly then you shouldn't do it. About marihuana, do as you please, have it or not, cook with it if you like, it's not up to me to tell you what to do in your house to pass your time. The only thing that bothers me is when people say it doesn't affect you, it's just ridiculous.


totally agree, my ex became very moody without it, called me names was very nasty.


when he had it EVERYY SINGLE DAYYYYYY, he was very ignorant, always falling alseep, didnt even get off his lazy ass apart from to get his stuff to roll another, he used to sit next to me when kids were in bed with a jiont on the go, his head hanging down falling asleep, from about 8pm lol, he got that bad with it he even started to fall asleep while rolling one, hed have it in his hands and just nod off, id say for gods sake go to bed and stop rolling, if your that tired dont have one. hed then jump up and say no i was just resting my eyes, it became like living with a dozy, thick child. i used to force myself to stay up until he went to bed as i was so scared he fall asleep n kill us all. and if i did go up b4 i him i cud not sleep, id wiat an hour then go back down to check and low and behold--hed be bang out sat up, head lolling, actual saliva hanging from his sad pathetic mouth, he made me sick just to look at in the end.


id say things to him about the kids and then when mentioned later on he wud not remember, he always sed he had no money for the bills and kids yet spend a tenner per day on that stupid stuff. he was warned over 5 years to stop and put his family first, he never did, i had enuff one day and packed his bags while he was at work, best thing i ever did, my house dont smell no more, i dont have burn holes in my furniture from him falling asleep with it in his hand, i dont have an extra child to take care of, i have more money, i self respect, i dont have ppl knocking on my door at any hour for a spare joint or to see if he wanted more. so in my experiance canibis ruins lives and familys ad i HATE it.


now when i meet a guy the first thing is ask is if they smoke it and if they say yes, then its bye bye, ill never ever let a drug control my life no more.


and one more thing THE PARANIOA, omg i hated it, he got to the piont of wanting to know why i was wearing makeup to go my mums, why i wore nice earings when he was not around etc, he used to call ma a s lag if i went to work looking nice, i worked in a pub by the way then.


he wanted to know where id been while he was at work, one time my little girl had asked to take crisps n pop ti her room and play, i let her, bit of peace for me lol, anyways upon daddys return home he went up to get get changed, i was cooking tea, he came down and gave me the most dirty nasty look he cud muster and called me a s lut, i sed what have i bloddy done now, get this


he sed hed found the empty crisps and pop and accused me off locking her upstiars with them to keep her quiet while i had sex with someone downstairs, at this piont id had ebuff and didnt care what he thought no more


so i just laffed and sed you sad pathetic dope smoking moran, get a life and grow up, anyways it never changed, and he lost us due to CANAIBIS

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A friend suffers with CIDP which is a muscle wasting condition and causes much pain to many joints. Prescribed pain killers are effective but a side effect of these causes loss of breath after walking short distances and lack of energy. Some time ago she came across the above substance and willing to try anything that might help she included some in a pancake mix. The effect was amazing, she had complete pain relief for 4 days but a side effect was a very high pounding heart rate. She has not used it since but I am sure that if it was prescribed correctly and considered in conjunction with medication already being taken for high blood pressure it would give safe relief from pain at a reasonable cost rather than lining the pockets of the illegal producers and dealers causing cost on the street at around 20GBP per gram.




I have a muscle waisting condition known as cmt ,charcot marie tooth disease it also waists my perphial nerves i have smoked weed a few time for it . And it does help better then the horrible pills i have too take.

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Big up Charlie.... regardless of what people think about recreational use I believe people like yourself deserve the choice between prescription and natural medicines like cannabis.


For all those who keep say cannabis causes schizophrenia, here's a very recent article http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/11/06/cannabis_psychosis_study/


Damn, was just about to post that!

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Regular cannabis use causes mental illness. I'm dead against the legalisation of it.


That's not true, it has been suggested many times that regular use of cannabis can have an effect on a persons mental health but it doesn't cause it, it just aggravates the problem, a problem that could have occured at any time without the use of cannabis.


There has also been a lot of research carried out that has shown cannabis has no affect on a persons health.

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Big up Charlie.... regardless of what people think about recreational use I believe people like yourself deserve the choice between prescription and natural medicines like cannabis.


For all those who keep say cannabis causes schizophrenia, here's a very recent article http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/11/06/cannabis_psychosis_study/


Your link is just to a commentary, to someone's opinion, and the research it cites states:


"It's unclear whether smoking marijuana causes schizophrenia or not, but if it does, according to the researcher, it's likely a gradual process. Nevertheless, he said, "the consensus is pretty much you should not use cannabis if you want to avoid an increased risk of schizophrenia."


Isn't that the point here? Of course you are not necessarily going to develop schizophrenia if you smoke cannabis and you probably need to have a disposition to it. What if you do have that disposition? Just as you are not necessarily going to contract lung cancer if you smoke cigarettes, there's still a risk and it you may also be more at risk if you have a family history of cancer or respiratory problems. Of course it's not cut and dried, nothing is.

As for smoking to relieve symptoms of an illness- totally different ball game to getting completely wasted all day on skunk.

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