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Use of Cannabis? Discuss Sensibly!

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I agree with what you are saying Saff and to give you another example of how prohibition is worsening such matters try telephoning 'Talk to Frank' and ask them about the dangers of contaminated weed and they will tell you "it's illegal" and because of this stance not enough research is happening and nowhere near enough information is being made available to adolescents.


I also think that if some people do have a genetic predisposition which could be brought to the surface by cannabis then more information needs to be made available about this and other potential triggers and how to best avoid the onset of illness.


Mental health is still a massively misunderstood and misrepresented issue in our society. Perhaps taxing and legalising cannabis could fund more research and more public information concerning this matter.


I agree with the need for more research etc but what do you mean about talk to frank? I got this from their website http://www.talktofrank.com/drugs.aspx?id=172


I don't understand how a drugs helpline can refuse to give information, i mean that's why it exists isn't it? I'm thinking of ringing myself to ask some questions but what would you ask exactly? I got this from their website:




Some unsuspecting people have been known to buy blocks of mud, stock cubes and garden herbs from people pretending to be dealers.


The most impure cannabis is called 'soap bar'. It's contaminated with all sorts of things. This makes it cheaper but it's often harder to get very stoned.


It’s not actually possible to tell whether a particular sample of 'skunk' or ‘homegrown’ or ‘sinsemilla’ will have a higher potency than an equal amount of 'imported herbal cannabis' - because the actual potencies of different products overlap substantially.


The potency of herbal cannabis decreases over time in storage and is affected by what parts of the plant have been included in the product. Hence, a user has little guarantee about the ‘intensity of the high’. Also, it has been found the intensity of the smell of skunk appears to be no guide to the actual strength either.

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I think it may be a rumour - the front of the Gazette the other day had pictures of a cannabis haul brought in by South Yorkshire Police in Sheffield.


If they are still hauling in cannabis factories - there may be problems with a cafe.


Shame really - I know of at least 5 people who benefit medically from cannabis.


Moon Maiden


I have no problem with medical use of weed and agree it should be legal and available in these cases.

As for a cafe it would be illegal and if it's the same as the london one it will get shut down in a matter of hours.

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I agree with the need for more research etc but what do you mean about talk to frank? I got this from their website http://www.talktofrank.com/drugs.aspx?id=172


I don't understand how a drugs helpline can refuse to give information, i mean that's why it exists isn't it? I'm thinking of ringing myself to ask some questions but what would you ask exactly?


Read this article for more info. 'Grit Weed' (as it has been called) is much more harmful than cannabis and can potentially lead to silicosis of the lungs.



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  • 1 month later...
A friend of mine had a heart attack at 33 because he smokes skunk for so many years. What happened wa that is wore away some of the lining around one of his artery's around his heart. He now can't work ever again, get over stressed (physical or mental) and has a very low quality of life.... all due to smoking weed!


Weed may not be as bad as other drugs, but dont kid yourself.. it IS bad!


There will always be irresponsible idiots who can't moderate their intake (whether food, drink, drugs etc.). They get what's coming, basically, and their body will give them plenty of signs when they are abusing it.


There's a lot of generalisation going on in this thread, which seems to always happen when on the subject of cannabis. Please stop it those of you who are. It makes you look ignorant and irrational.


I really enjoyed smoking cannabis in the past, and today I smoke very nice legal alternatives. I run a website in my spare time and it requires a alot of creative input which cannabis and similar herbs have always helped stimulate.


Introspection is also very important to me, and cannabis helped me explore and understand certain elements of my personality that sobriety can't "unlock".


Not bragging, but I'd probably be one of the last people the mainstream media would use as a "case study" for the effects of cannabis, because I actually use it *SHOCK HORROR* responsibly. Not a very exciting story is it?


All these "cannabis ruined my son's life" stories would make me laugh if they weren't so upsetting for the mother, knowing that she brought up her son to be an irresponsible, degenerate little turd who doesn't know his own limits.



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In responce to all the questions and answers.

I am 42 years old and have used cannabis since 18 years.

Resin was ok.

Skunk is deadly!!!!!

I have stoppped for the last 2 years because of the health rasons.

I can get the stuff but you do not know where it comes from.

Yester year it was from a "herbal" distributer.

Today, it is from a "Gun weilding" thug.

or a "Chinkie" who doesn't give a fuc.k

Today your child can get a much as he/she wants and COCAIN, which is the choice of many.

I have tried cocain and it is good.

Are you PC or a real person bringin up children who might want advice

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In responce to all the questions and answers.

I am 42 years old and have used cannabis since 18 years.

Resin was ok.

Skunk is deadly!!!!!

I have stoppped for the last 2 years because of the health rasons.

I can get the stuff but you do not know where it comes from.

Yester year it was from a "herbal" distributer.

Today, it is from a "Gun weilding" thug.

or a "Chinkie" who doesn't give a fuc.k

Today your child can get a much as he/she wants and COCAIN, which is the choice of many.

I have tried cocain and it is good.

Are you PC or a real person bringin up children who might want advice


This reply has put me off the weed!

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Im old enough to remember real canabis ! the skunk stuff available now is real nasty , its addictive and causes depression and can go on to cause mental problems. Weed that was around in the sixties and seventies was altogether different. Anyone who benefits from medicinal canabis should get it , the street stuff is nasty and should be taken off our streets to protect our kids. Reclass it as B.

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I've been smoking it for years (in moderation) and haven't noticed any bad effects. Even the "street stuff". And I might be in the minority but the few people I know and can get weed from are happy hippies and not "gun wielding thugs".



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