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Use of Cannabis? Discuss Sensibly!

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'Regular cannabis use causes mental illness. I'm dead against the legalisation of it'


What do you base your assumptions on? what effect does 24 hours of pain have on mental health? do you know anyone who suffers with CIDP? have you the slightest idea what CIDP is? are you a regular cannabis user? what are you learning at SHU?


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Originally posted by "waxy chuff"


I'm just imagining what it would be like to meet up with some of the people off this board in a sheffield cannabis cafe. Skin up a fat skunky joint and the arguments would soon be a lot less stress-filled...!

You're on!


First one to open a cannabis cafe wins!

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Originally posted by "vin rigby"


What do you base your assumptions on? what effect does 24 hours of pain have on mental health? do you know anyone who suffers with CIDP? have you the slightest idea what CIDP is? are you a regular cannabis user? what are you learning at SHU?

You've come back a bit strong. There's loads of research that proves that regular cannabis use causes mental illness such as severe depression and schizophrenia. I acually know someone who was a regular dope smoker and he was admitted into a mental institution suffering from schizophrenia. I also have other friends who have started smoking cannabis regularly and their entire personality has changed.


I'm not argueing that there can't be medical advantages to cannabis, but if cannabis is medically beneficial then it should be perscribed by a doctor and not obtained illegally. I have no problem with people who smoke the drug for recreational perposes on a regular basis, it's their decision, but people should be aware of the risks. I have tried the drug in the past and I must admit I quite enjoyed the experience, but I would never do it regularly due to the long-term risk to my health.


I'm doing Computer & Network Engineering at SHU, but what the hell that's got to do with it I have no idea.


For some back-up to this post, see here.

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...but if cannabis is medically beneficial then it should be perscribed by a doctor and not obtained illegally....


This is exactly the point I was making. So you agree that there should be some form of legalisation that would allow it to be medically prescribed if proven to be benificial? Smoking the stuff for pleasure I think is insane.

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Originally posted by "Sidla"


Regular cannabis use causes mental illness. I'm dead against the legalisation of it.


I think it would be more reasonable to say that regular cannabis use can contribute and exacerbate to mental illness in susceptible individuals.


Cannabis has positive and negative effects, just like everything else we ingest for our own pleasure.


That in itself is not a reason to prohibit its use.

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Originally posted by "vin rigby"


This is exactly the point I was making. So you agree that there should be some form of legalisation that would allow it to be medically prescribed if proven to be benificial? Smoking the stuff for pleasure I think is insane.

It already can be perscribed by a doctor as far as I know, unless I have my facts mixed up somewhere along the line.


Originally posted by "Phanerothyme"


Regular cannabis use causes mental illness. I'm dead against the legalisation of it.


I think it would be more reasonable to say that regular cannabis use can contribute and exacerbate to mental illness in susceptible individuals.


Cannabis has positive and negative effects, just like everything else we ingest for our own pleasure.


That in itself is not a reason to prohibit its use.

It is really, because if everybody was smoking cannabis all the time then there'd be a lot of dangerous people out there.


See also: http://www.observer.co.uk/drugs/story/0,11908,930771,00.html

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Originally posted by "Sidla"


It already can be perscribed by a doctor as far as I know, unless I have my facts mixed up somewhere along the line.


CIDP is not yet prescribable, my friend has spoken to her GP and he confirmed this some time ago. I believe it is legally prescribable for MS sufferers.

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Originally posted by "Sidla"


This is exactly the point I was making. So you agree that there should be some form of legalisation that would allow it to be medically prescribed if proven to be benificial? Smoking the stuff for pleasure I think is insane.

It already can be perscribed by a doctor as far as I know, unless I have my facts mixed up somewhere along the line.

Nope. Cannabis is an illegal drug to posess, there are no 'Medical Marijuana Laws' as they have in California. There are synthetic cannabinoids available for presription, but these have quite a different effect to the plant material, in all respects.

Originally posted by "Sidla"



Regular cannabis use causes mental illness. I'm dead against the legalisation of it.


I think it would be more reasonable to say that regular cannabis use can contribute and exacerbate to mental illness in susceptible individuals.


Cannabis has positive and negative effects, just like everything else we ingest for our own pleasure.


That in itself is not a reason to prohibit its use.

It is really, because if everybody was smoking cannabis all the time then there'd be a lot of dangerous people out there.


No it isn't really. Professor David Nutt, who gave evidence to the same home affairs comittee as Professor John Henry (the man in your link)

made it quite clear:

Originally posted by "Professor David Nutt, Professor of Psychopharmacology at Brisol University"



481. You do not think there are schizophrenia dangers and all of that.

  (Professor Nutt) It may exacerbate schizophrenia in some people, may ameliorate some symptoms in other people. On balance there is probably a negative benefit in schizophrenia, but that is not a major public health problem.

So, just for the record - Cannabis does not *cause* mental illness, in any medical sense.


It's the smoking of cannabis, particularly with tobacco that causes the most damage.


And I definitely disagree with you on the point that legalization would neccessarily lead to a huge rise in consumption over the long term. Most decriminilization projects result in a jump in consumption that quickly tails off and a stable level emerges not significantly different from previous estimates.


Even if that were true, I don't think that would make them dangerous, even if they did develop schizophrenia (as your link seems to suggest). It's a terrifying disease, and quite a few men will have had some form of episode in their teens that resemble it. But it doesn't make you dangerous. It makes you lonely, confused, frightened, and utterly baffled by the world around you.

<edited several times to get quotations straight and added last 2 paras>

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