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Use of Cannabis? Discuss Sensibly!

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I know this is going to be contradictory! But if I had a choice and one of my kids said I will be a drinker or a hash smoker, I would say be a hash smoker for lots of reasons. However ..... I honestly think pot heads are a waste of space! I know drink can be a false high! As is pot! But in my opinion potheads are bad news. This is based on people I know! Without going into the good and bad points of drink and hash! Hash in the long term is more nasty over alcohol. I only say this because of friends I know.


The consensus is hash chills you while drink makes you aggressive. Not true at all!! I know that now!


If anyone feels the need to use drink or drugs to get through the day it tells me there is a problem! If you don’t have a natural high with your wife/ girlfriend/ boyfriend/ kids or family and need drink or drugs to get you through the day then something is wrong!!!

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If anyone feels the need to use drink or drugs to get through the day it tells me there is a problem! If you don’t have a natural high with your wife/ girlfriend/ boyfriend/ kids or family and need drink or drugs to get you through the day then something is wrong!!!


No sh*t Sherlock! :hihi:


Not everyone who drinks or smokes needs it to get them through the day. Most people can drink without it becoming a problem. Same as with smokes.

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Question ?!?! Why do people need a drink or a smoke?!?!? at the end of the day?!?! lmfao!


Well a couple of drinks lowers inhibitions, for a start, and it's a stimulant in small amounts. That's 2 reasons.


Why they need to do it at the end of the day, is because it can be thought of as problem when it's at the beginning of the day, as it's not as socially acceptable to drink in the morning. :)

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God your good!!!!! However you never answered my question!!!! For anyone to start to drink or smoke does it for a reason. You have answered your own question/ comment you put at me!!! God please think before you post, that way you don’t look like a dumb ass!!!

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God your good!!!!! However you never answered my question!!!! For anyone to start to drink or smoke does it for a reason. You have answered your own question/ comment you put at me!!! God please think before you post, that way you don’t look like a dumb ass!!!

I've never denied being a dumb ass ;):hihi:


I've answered the questions and points you made.


You're mixing up an opinion of 'need' IMO. Most people can drink small amounts, and their body tells them that they've had enough, so they stop.


That's not a need of alcohol. It's enjoying, what for the most part is an enjoyable drug, which makes them feel happy.


Why do people try it? Kids in the main, try it for experimental reasons. They have seen others doing it, and want to try it for themselves.

If people had no knowledge of either drug, there wouldn't be any interest through that lack of knowledge.

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I've been smoking it for years (in moderation) and haven't noticed any bad effects. Even the "street stuff". And I might be in the minority but the few people I know and can get weed from are happy hippies and not "gun wielding thugs".




You bloody well can't get it from me!

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I've never denied being a dumb ass ;):hihi:


I've answered the questions and points you made.


You're mixing up an opinion of 'need' IMO. Most people can drink small amounts, and their body tells them that they've had enough, so they stop.


That's not a need of alcohol. It's enjoying, what for the most part is an enjoyable drug, which makes them feel happy.


Why do people try it? Kids in the main, try it for experimental reasons. They have seen others doing it, and want to try it for themselves.

If people had no knowledge of either drug, there wouldn't be any interest through that lack of knowledge.

I have to go with what you said 100%! Now the contradictory part!!!!


My opinion is what you said is the way it starts! And for a few it becomes habit.

However may point is why do it in the first place. This question you have answered in your opinion.


My opinion is… to start taking any drug …. I.E drink or drugs there is something missing in your life to have to turn to a drug that gives you a false sense of happiness or high.


The reason I say that and its only my own opinion, is that’s the position I myself am in.


"They have seen others doing it, and want to try it for themselves."

You are 100% on the ball!!!!!...... But some kids stop and others keep going!

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