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Use of Cannabis? Discuss Sensibly!

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I dont agree with cannabis cafe, the police should stamp down on them immediately, where would it lead if they were allowed, underage drug addicts, drop outs, more crime, heroin addicts, more rapes, violence, no the thought is outrageous.

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I dont agree with pubs, the police should stamp down on them immediately, where would it lead if they were allowed, underage alcoholics, drop outs, more crime, heroin addicts, more rapes, violence, no the thought is outrageous.


... do you see my point? :)


Seriously though, where's the link between cannabis and rape?


Also, as one of my friends used to say, smoking weed really isn't to blame for violence or crime because they're all too stoned to do anything.


I can (kind of) see where you got the "heroin addicts" link from though - but not everyone who smokes pot is going to turn to heroin.


I've never smoked it and never will - but I believe they should legalise/license it. That way the government could tax it and make a fortune... which would hopefully mean I could pay less tax! :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sheffield Cannabis Cafe, so cool it's hot, an idea whose time has come!

Let's do it. If enough of us, all over Britain & across the world, keep on at this, sooner or later the hundreth monkey will indeed make all the difference. 'Sheffield Cannabis Cafe' is Meme & Strange Attracter...& if you don't know what I mean you definitely need the forthcoming Sheffield Cannabis Cafe!



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The best chance you have is to open a cafe with a tolerant approach to cannabis, but let the customers bring their own supply.


If anyone even gets a whiff of you selling the stuff you will be busted, but you can operate for many years by simply turning a blind eye.


If you have no complaints, no litter, no noise etc, then police will probably leave you alone, even if they know all your customers are stoners.


Halevan, your reasons for disagreeing with a cannabis cafe:

Originally posted by "halevan"


I dont agree with cannabis cafe, the police should stamp down on them immediately, where would it lead if they were allowed, underage drug addicts

Underage drug addicts? You can only have underage drug addicts if the drugs they are addicted to are not to be sold to minors (i.e legal)

drop outs, more crime, heroin addicts, more rapes, violence, no the thought is outrageous.


really are specious to say the least. I would simply like to know where you get your information from or what experience you've had with cannabis that makes you believe what you said.

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If you need a bit of plant to cheer you up and make you happy then youre very sad. I would warn you of all the health risks associated with it but to be honest the world would probably be a better place without losers like cannabis users (or any other recreational drug for that matter) so go ahead.. kill off the excuses for brains you have.

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Originally posted by "kittykat"


If you need a bit of plant to cheer you up and make you happy then youre very sad. I would wan you of all the health risks associated with it but to be honest the world would probably be a better place without losers like cannabis users (or any other recreational drug for that matter) so go ahead.. kill off the excuses for brains you have.

I take it that you don't use any drugs for non medical purposes at all?

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