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Read all about it - Drug law reform recommended by another expert panel

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I'll wait for the...Heroin is safe its what its cut with...bleating


We had a child a couple of weeks ago. During childbirth the mother (my partner) was given heroin (Diamorphine) by a doctor.


Are you saying the Doctor was a "quack" who deliberately gave my partner, and a premature baby, a harmful substance during childbirth? That sounds rather negligent of him! Would you suggest I ring a no-win/no-fee lawyer and sue him? (both baby and mother are perfectly fine and healthy by the way)


Giving pure heroin to women who are in labour is common the world over. The only reason it's not regularly prescribed to those in regular chronic pain (except those with terminal illnesses) is because you quickly gain a tolerance towards opiates/opiods, meaning you have to continently increase the dose for the pain relief to keep working!


So saying heroin is safe except for what it is mixed with isn't "bleating". It's a fact! In moderate doses it's better (wrong word - "less harmful"!) for your body than alcohol or tobacco is!

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We had a child a couple of weeks ago. During childbirth the mother (my partner) was given heroin (Diamorphine) by a doctor.


Are you saying the Doctor was a "quack" who deliberately gave my partner, and a premature baby, a harmful substance during childbirth? That sounds rather negligent of him! Would you suggest I ring a no-win/no-fee lawyer and sue him? (both baby and mother are perfectly fine and healthy by the way)


Giving pure heroin to women who are in labour is common the world over. The only reason it's not regularly prescribed to those in regular chronic pain (except those with terminal illnesses) is because you quickly gain a tolerance towards opiates/opiods, meaning you have to continently increase the dose for the pain relief to keep working!


So saying heroin is safe except for what it is mixed with isn't "bleating". It's a fact! In moderate doses it's better (wrong word - "less harmful"!) for your body than alcohol or tobacco is!

Theres a wee bit of difference to being prescribed and taking it under supervision than shooting up 3 times a day 7 days a week,anyway iv done onthis its pointless trying to talk to continual drug users,an addiction is just that and before you can face that fact you have to admit it,denial is a common symptom of addicts ..enjoy your lives.

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Theres a wee bit of difference to being prescribed and taking it under supervision than shooting up 3 times a day 7 days a week,anyway iv done onthis its pointless trying to talk to continual drug users,an addiction is just that and before you can face that fact you have to admit it,denial is a common symptom of addicts ..enjoy your lives.


Yeah, cheers for just accusing me of being a heroin addict! Sorry, but no cigar! (Sorry to disappoint you but I don't even drink!)


While we're banding about baseless accusations; you're not that BNP idiot who got banned from here years ago are you? He had the same sentence structure as you do (i.e. commas and full stops preceding the first letter of the next word instead of being placed after the last letter of the last word, amongst other things)!


I never heard of you until this thread. I just noticed you typed like he did, so looked up your post history and found you seem to spend quite a lot of time on islamic and race threads and the BNP are mentioned in quite a few of your posts :huh:


It's that long ago I can't even remember the fool's name!


Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree. Maybe you're not him. Maybe you've no idea what I'm banging on about. But I have my suspicions :suspect:

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Whats always interesting about these threads is the lack of middle ground from the anti drugs camp.


you want to legalise Heroin !!...incredible... what next AK47 's on the shelf at your local Tescos
Heres a quick test for anyone. Go out tonight and try to get some of the legal but more interesting drugs from the NHS. Bet you can't do it. Diamorphine or temazepam or tramadol or any of the uppers or downers or anything like that and you'll not be able to lay a hand on them.


I know this for a fact because a couple of weeks ago I accidentally ran out of epilepsy medication over the weekend, I went to the walk in centre on Broad Lane, the Hallamshire and A & E and the Northern General. I waited and travelled around for 5 hours in total and couldn't persuade them to give me any medication. This is legal medication with no fun side effects. It doesn't get you high or anything. What makes people think that legalising currently illegal drugs means we'd put them on the supermarket shelves when you can't get hold of a vast range of currently legal drugs?


The irony is on any given weekend in any city in the country i'll bet my shoes in a lot less than 5 hours I could find coke, heroin, crystal meth, mcat, mdma, speed, cannibis and much else.

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Yeah, cheers for just accusing me of being a heroin addict! Sorry, but no cigar! (Sorry to disappoint you but I don't even drink!)


While we're banding about baseless accusations; you're not that BNP idiot who got banned from here years ago are you? He had the same sentence structure as you do (i.e. commas and full stops preceding the first letter of the next word instead of being placed after the last letter of the last word, amongst other things)!


I never heard of you until this thread. I just noticed you typed like he did, so looked up your post history and found you seem to spend quite a lot of time on islamic and race threads and the BNP are mentioned in quite a few of your posts :huh:


It's that long ago I can't even remember the fool's name!


Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree. Maybe you're not him. Maybe you've no idea what I'm banging on about. But I have my suspicions :suspect:


There have been a couple of other 'usernames' which are frighteningly similar to the wonderful Glamrocker here. You can't argue with him, it's pointless and very sad that people with his bizarre attitudes and even more bizarre reasoning actually exist!

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I don't use drugs and I don't know enough about it to form an opinion on the legalisation, but one statement I heard on the news was that the panel had found they were no more dangerous than gambling and obesity?!?


Last time I heard they were (obesity especially) quite dangerous.


Surely basing legalising something on the premise that its only as dangerous as something else that is dangerous isn't the best argument for legalisation? Or am I missing something (fully accept I might be, like I say I don't know the ins and outs - it just seemed an odd statement)


I think the point they were trying to make (although poorly worded) was that gambling and eating can be addictive, but in moderation and regulation are fine. And legal.

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There have been a couple of other 'usernames' which are frighteningly similar to the wonderful Glamrocker here. You can't argue with him, it's pointless and very sad that people with his bizarre attitudes and even more bizarre reasoning actually exist!


It always amuses me that the people who are against drugs and usually bleat about it causing psychological problems and increased aggression, are the ones who post aggressively themselves and get easily agitated :rolleyes:

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There have been a couple of other 'usernames' which are frighteningly similar to the wonderful Glamrocker here. You can't argue with him, it's pointless and very sad that people with his bizarre attitudes and even more bizarre reasoning actually exist!

So the fact that I feel people are ruining their lives and bodies,which is backed by historical evidence is a bizarre attitude...How bizarre your thinking is.

I am open to opinions and indeed on this thread I have continually asked why people feel that drugs are necessary as a legal pastime, not as prescription ,so far no one has answered,except for trying to explain heroin away as a pain relief,we know all about that but why the need to shove it in your arm 3 times a day 7 times a week if you're in no pain and there is no medical reason.Should drugs be made legal simply for that reason,no doubt putting further pressure on the NHS.

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It always amuses me that the people who are against drugs and usually bleat about it causing psychological problems and increased aggression, are the ones who post aggressively themselves and get easily agitated :rolleyes:

Im not agitated im simply trying to understand why people need to put their lives at risk in order to simply flake out drooling at the mouth and/or acting moronic when said drugs are not available

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It always amuses me that the people who are against drugs and usually bleat about it causing psychological problems and increased aggression, are the ones who post aggressively themselves and get easily agitated :rolleyes:

As for being aggressive ,you flatter yourself why would I feel the need to get aggressive at smackheads one slap and they usually run a mile .I think thats why a lot of them usually descend into drugs ..no marks...no lives..sad lonely existence..except for their fellow smackheads of course

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