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Read all about it - Drug law reform recommended by another expert panel

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Im not agitated

Could have fooled me, with your previous posts making accusations of addiction etc. against people you know nothing about.

im simply trying to understand why people need to put their lives at risk in order to simply flake out drooling at the mouth and/or acting moronic when said drugs are not available

Then you will never understand, because people DON'T flake out drooling at the mouth any more than they do when they have a few drinks. You're still stuck on this misconception that someone "taking drugs" will be on the brink of an overdose and not even remember their own name.

What you are talking about is excessive drug abuse, like when someone has a severe booze binge.

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Why should anyone pander to criminals,you do drugs you break the law you are criminals..... end of...funny the forums usually up in arms when someone on benefits fiddles a little..the word hypocrisy rears its ugly head..I would sooner have someone who fiddles a bit living next door to me than a smack head.
The mind-boggled pro-drugs fraternity will find any excuse to justify their degenerate criminal pastime, but give ample funding for law and order, and a mandatory death sentence for dealers, and we'd soon have the problem solved.
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The mind-boggled pro-drugs fraternity will find any excuse to justify their degenerate criminal pastime, but give ample funding for law and order, and a mandatory death sentence for dealers, and we'd soon have the problem solved.


Another common misconception amongst the anti-drugs posters. Why do you think that everyone in favour of legalisation will be a drug user?


Yet another example of the (non-drug induced) aggression from the anti-drugs posters.

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As for being aggressive ,you flatter yourself why would I feel the need to get aggressive at smackheads one slap and they usually run a mile .I think thats why a lot of them usually descend into drugs ..no marks...no lives..sad lonely existence..except for their fellow smackheads of course


How exactly do I flatter myself?

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The mind-boggled pro-drugs fraternity will find any excuse to justify their degenerate criminal pastime, but give ample funding for law and order, and a mandatory death sentence for dealers, and we'd soon have the problem solved.


I honestly feel this sort of attitutude is one of the biggest barriers to reform. I'm extremely anti-drugs. I have seen the harm they do, both to users and to those who are victims of users aquisative crime. These drugs are illegal, and it is not stopping them being used or the harm caused by them being used. The fact they are illegal is making a profitable market for criminals, we the law abiding majority are creating a deadly and lucrative market by our laws. We need to stop and think about end results and stop puffing our chests out and preaching how much we hate drugs and start to focus on the real problem, which is criminals, who at the moment we are enriching.

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I honestly feel this sort of attitutude is one of the biggest barriers to reform. I'm extremely anti-drugs. I have seen the harm they do, both to users and to those who are victims of users aquisative crime. These drugs are illegal, and it is not stopping them being used or the harm caused by them being used. The fact they are illegal is making a profitable market for criminals, we the law abiding majority are creating a deadly and lucrative market by our laws. We need to stop and think about end results and stop puffing our chests out and preaching how much we hate drugs and start to focus on the real problem, which is criminals, who at the moment we are enriching.


Am i wrong in thinking making it legal and cheaper will just create more addicts out of the vulnerable and not so bright people of this country.


One mate to another "try this,cheap as chips and gets you high as hell".

Then they are addicted and the cycle continues.


I think the only thing that needs reform are the sentences handed down to dealers.


1st strike 15 years.

2cd strike life without parole.

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Am i wrong in thinking making it legal and cheaper will just create more addicts out of the vulnerable and not so bright people of this country.


One mate to another "try this,cheap as chips and gets you high as hell".

Then they are addicted and the cycle continues.


I think the only thing that needs reform are the sentences handed down to dealers.


1st strike 15 years.

2cd strike life without parole.


In many parts of the world the sentance is death. Indeed even here death is an ever present possibility for the dealer from rival criminals. Has it stopped it? No.


The sentance drug dealers need and fear is complete lack of profit. Sentance them to that and you do away with their trade overnight. We just need politicians with the balls to do it.

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Am i wrong in thinking making it legal and cheaper will just create more addicts out of the vulnerable and not so bright people of this country.


Yes, if you look at every other place in which similar strategies have been tried, or listen to law enforcement officials talking about giving money away to organised crime and locking up innocents - http://leap.cc


[No, if you follow Glamrocker's möbius logic]

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