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Read all about it - Drug law reform recommended by another expert panel

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Am i wrong in thinking making it legal and cheaper will just create more addicts out of the vulnerable and not so bright people of this country.


One mate to another "try this,cheap as chips and gets you high as hell".

Then they are addicted and the cycle continues.


Did that happen with alcohol?

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I honestly feel this sort of attitutude is one of the biggest barriers to reform. I'm extremely anti-drugs. I have seen the harm they do, both to users and to those who are victims of users aquisative crime. These drugs are illegal, and it is not stopping them being used or the harm caused by them being used. The fact they are illegal is making a profitable market for criminals, we the law abiding majority are creating a deadly and lucrative market by our laws. We need to stop and think about end results and stop puffing our chests out and preaching how much we hate drugs and start to focus on the real problem, which is criminals, who at the moment we are enriching.


I wouldn't take Bartfart's assertions too seriously, he was a longhair pothead in his youth.


Luckily, not everyone who takes drugs ends up like him.

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The mind-boggled pro-drugs fraternity will find any excuse to justify their degenerate criminal pastime

Yet again, this eternal link between recognising prohibition as a failure - thus we must all be drug users. Not even stopping there though, we must all be mind-boggled and degenerate.


When the level of argument against us is purely insult and AK-47s we must be speaking some sense. :)

a mandatory death sentence for dealers, and we'd soon have the problem solved.

Your answer to an headache is to put a bullet in it.

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Neither its your argument that is stupid .."if illegal drugs were legal they would be legal"..thats a statement I would expect from someone such as the muslamic ray guns fella..go on then I'll humour you..what good to the user would legalisation do ?


There wouldn't be any legislation, that's the point.


Your only argument so far is that "drugs are bad, m'kay, because they're illegal". You agree that you use legal drugs. None of which is remotely useful in a discussion about changing the legality of drugs.

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How ? ..So now youre asking the government and indirectly the tax payers to fund or at least helpfund someones habit i.e taking a substance that there is no valid reason to be taken ..you dont want much do you ..Tell me what would be the benefit of taking this substance ?


The cost of a dose of heroin to the NHS is around 20p. The cost of failing to police prohibition is probably in the region of tens of thousands times more expensive than giving it out on prescription.

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Yet promoting addiction by virtue of legality ,I would have thought surely better to cure addiction than make it readily available as a way of life


Cannabis isn't even addictive... But you'd be all for making caffeine illegal then, being highly addictive as it is (I say, whilst my late sits in front of me).

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Theres a wee bit of difference to being prescribed and taking it under supervision than shooting up 3 times a day 7 days a week,anyway iv done onthis its pointless trying to talk to continual drug users,an addiction is just that and before you can face that fact you have to admit it,denial is a common symptom of addicts ..enjoy your lives.


You can't even comprehend that people who argue against a pointless war on drugs aren't necessarily drug users (apart from my aforementioned caffeine and alcohol).

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So the fact that I feel people are ruining their lives and bodies,which is backed by historical evidence is a bizarre attitude...How bizarre your thinking is.

I am open to opinions and indeed on this thread I have continually asked why people feel that drugs are necessary as a legal pastime, not as prescription ,so far no one has answered,except for trying to explain heroin away as a pain relief,we know all about that but why the need to shove it in your arm 3 times a day 7 times a week if you're in no pain and there is no medical reason.Should drugs be made legal simply for that reason,no doubt putting further pressure on the NHS.


You're about as open to alternate opinions as a high security prison is a holiday camp.

You've insulted pretty much everyone else on the thread and continue to say that anyone who disagrees is an addict.

You can't understand why your logic about the current legal situation is irrelevant and circular in this discussion.

You think there's some fundamental difference between a legal and an illegal drug.

You also don't seem to (be able to) differentiate between different drugs, you seem to be suggesting that cannabis is as addictive/dangerous as heroin and that any legalisation would perforce be identical for both...

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The mind-boggled pro-drugs fraternity will find any excuse to justify their degenerate criminal pastime, but give ample funding for law and order, and a mandatory death sentence for dealers, and we'd soon have the problem solved.


Because that has completely solved the problem in the countries where they do that? (I'll save you the time, it hasn't).

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Am i wrong in thinking making it legal and cheaper will just create more addicts out of the vulnerable and not so bright people of this country.

Hopefully you are.


A dealer has a reason to push drugs and try to get you hooked.


If you can only get them from a pharmacy or via prescription, and they have no interest in making you a repeat customer then numbers should fall.

This has been proven to be the case with heroin.


One mate to another "try this,cheap as chips and gets you high as hell".

Then they are addicted and the cycle continues.

The idea that most people are hooked after trying something once is a myth.


I think the only thing that needs reform are the sentences handed down to dealers.


1st strike 15 years.

2cd strike life without parole.

Harsh sentencing has been proven to not work.

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