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Journey Into Space - Anyone Remember?


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I recall when a ward in FCH waiting excitedly each week with other kids for the radio series, Journey Into Space, to begin. That was the highlight of the week for me/us. Occasionally, we'd be punished (often for something minor such as talking when we were not supposed to) and have to forfeit the episode as a consequence. Instead we'd be sent off to bed. If just one kid committed an offense, it was punishment for all.


Anyway, whenever that happened it was devastating since we not only missed the episode that we'd been longing for, we also had to wait another whole week in order to piece together what we'd missed.


The primary characters were Jet Morgan, Mitch, Lemmy, and a 'Doc someone', I think. Or maybe I'm thinking of 'Bones McCoy' from the original Star Trek. Anyway, while I'm sure that this series would be oh, so corny by today's standards, we would more use our imagination back then and it was quite wonderful what we were able to make out of it. Anyone else remember Journey Into Space with such fond memories?

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"Radio Luxemberg presents, Journey Into Space, brought to you by Horlicks!" Is that how it went?


I used to listen to that from my hideyhole under the old drop-leaf table. Mum would always have the kettle on and our old wireless was a big wooden cabinet with a tiny ivory coloured vernier dial that glowed.... at least that's how I remember it.

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If you're a little nostalgic for old time radio log on to http://www.radiolovers.com. Most of the shows are American but there are a few British ones on there, such as "Educating Archie". The "Clithero Kid" "Whitehall 1212", "Journey To The Centre Of The Earth" and some later ones like "The Men From The Ministry" and "The Likely Lads" You'll need "Real Player" or something like that. Well worth listening to.

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Journey into Space...... I used to listen to it avidly as a young boy......"Lemmy", I believe, was played by David Kossof.

Being an avid radio listener, at that time I used to know all the Radio Schedules off by heart, and Mum and Dad used to ask me what was on, most days. It was all before the general advent, in our house, of the "Monster" which is television!


I still love Radio, but the programme content nowadays bears no relationship to what it was in those dim and distant years of the early '50s..


Recently on Oneword Channel 877 on Sky, "Journey into Space" was being repeated, although it could have been on Sky Channel 881 BBC 7. I think Sundays 6.00pm. is the time.

I don't know if it is still on though. The Monster has taken over everything.

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  • 6 years later...

I think most boys lisened to 'Journey into Space', all my pals and myself would halt play to go home for it. Wasn't there a character called 'Whittiker' in it; evil as I recall ? The ads were memorable There was a regular one for some smaller pools company which went " ...that's Horace Batchelor, Keynsham, Bristol." 'Meet the Huggets' always ended with the credits and... " Kathleen Harrison is now appearing in 'Nude with Violin' at the .......theatre, London." Police messages were a regular thing, " Will Mr. ......, believed to be on holiday in ........., please contact his family as his father ....... is dangerously ill." I loved the shipping forecasts read by Frank Phillips, one of the old wartime newsreaders. In the early morning report he always began with "Good morning Gentlemen, here is the shipping forecast ." to the fishermen.

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Some how there seems to be a cross over of two different programs here.

Wasn't Jet Morgan's "Journey into Space" on BBC radio. which didn't have adverts, and "Dan Dare. Pilot of the future " on Radio Luxembourg which did.

Loved Dan Dare, and Digbys adventures in "The Eagle" but the reception was so bad I couldn't follow it on Luxembourg...

Now "Journey into space" is one of those I never missed, along with "Dick Barton, special agent" and Charles Chisholm "Riders of the range" and one about "The Mounties" I've forgotten the title of.


The golden days of Radio and comics, the art work and colour of The Eagle was spectacular for that period ...

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God, you lot are making me feel old," Dan Dare pilot of the future" i remember my mum saying "he,ll be walking to,nite" apparently i used to "walk" downstairs still asleep, every time i had listened to the program earlier,i,m amazed i never fell down them lol. Memories are made of this!

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