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Scottish Independence a Yes No question. A victory for common sense?

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David Cameron today signed a deal with Alex Salmond to hold a referendum on Scottish Independence in 2014.


The question to be asked will be a straight yes or no to independence without the 3rd option of devolved powers that Salmond hoped for.


Is this a victory for common sense and an end to an independent Scotland?


If Salmond loses the vote will he accept it or immediately start campaigning for another referendum?

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David Cameron today signed a deal with Alex Salmond to hold a referendum on Scottish Independence in 2014.


The question to be asked will be a straight yes or no to independence without the 3rd option of devolved powers that Salmond hoped for.


Is this a victory for common sense and an end to an independent Scotland?


If Salmond loses the vote will he accept it or immediately start campaigning for another referendum?


Whats happened has suited Alex Salmond on all counts except the one

you mentioned for the 2nd vote which did suit Cameron


Salmond got what he wanted in which was allowed for 16 and 17 yr old Scots

also the right to vote and this allows them also to vote

in which he knows many young folks want such , for Scotlands Independance


He Alex Salmond also got what he wanted which was voting

for to take place in 2014 which is the anniversary of the battle won by the Scots

in 1314 which is known as the Battle of Bannockburn


and he Alex Salmond wanted this date for such reasons simply

to use such to get more votes

and so the anniversary of that famous Battle won by the Scots

shall be when the voting takes place in 2014

which is a mastermind by Alex Salmond in my opinion


David Cameron spoke on Scottish TV on our News today

he wants Scotland to stay a part of Brtain, he knows Scotland makes Britain Stronger

he knows Scotland is a strong wee Country with much in Oil and Gas etc


But there are many Scots myself included, whom need to know much more

Alex Salmond shall have to tell us all about the different matters in which count

for us many also ordinary Scots inc Health Service , Infantry, Currency and more etc

we have plenty time until 2014 and only then minds shall be made up

regards if Scotland shall vote for Independance ..


link below of facts of the Battle all them yrs ago ..



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Whats happened has suited Alex Salmond on all counts except the one

you mentioned for the 2nd vote which did suit Cameron


Salmond got what he wanted in which was allowed for 16 and 17 yr old

allowed also to vote in which he knows many young folks want such

for Scotland in Independance


He Alex Salmond also got what he wanted which was voting

to take place in 2014 which is the anniversary of the battle won by the Scots

in 1314 which is known as the Battle of Bannockburn


and he Alex Salmond wanted this date for such reasons

to get more votes

and so the anniversary of that famous Battle won by the Scots

shall be when the voting takes place, a mastermind by Alex Salmond

in my opinion.. link below of facts of the Battle all them yrs ago ..




If the Scots were such an ignorant people as to be swayed by the coincidence of the aniversey of an ancient battle then we would well be rid of them.


We shall see if they are, I personally have more confidence in their good sense than you do sir.

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Personally I hope the Scots vote for independence as it will annoy all the mainstream parties and punish them for over 30 years of Thatcherism. The single question on the ballot paper could work either way. Some who would have voted for Devo Max but now can't, may vote for independence instead. And a lot will depend on what the Tories get up to in the next two years. The more the Tories campaign for the Union the more it's bound to alienate the Scots. If I were the SNP I'd put up posters of Thatcher and Cameron opposing independence. How could they lose?

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Whats happened has suited Alex Salmond on all counts except the one

you mentioned for the 2nd vote which did suit Cameron


Salmond got what he wanted in which was allowed for 16 and 17 yr old Scots

also the right to vote and this allows them also to vote

in which he knows many young folks want such , for Scotlands Independance


He Alex Salmond also got what he wanted which was voting

for to take place in 2014 which is the anniversary of the battle won by the Scots

in 1314 which is known as the Battle of Bannockburn


and he Alex Salmond wanted this date for such reasons simply

to use such to get more votes

and so the anniversary of that famous Battle won by the Scots

shall be when the voting takes place in 2014

which is a mastermind by Alex Salmond in my opinion


David Cameron spoke on Scottish TV on our News today

he wants Scotland to stay a part of Brtain, he knows Scotland makes Britain Stronger

he knows Scotland is a strong wee Country with much in Oil and Gas etc


But there are many Scots myself included, whom need to know much more

Alex Salmond shall have to tell us all about the different matters in which count

for us many also ordinary Scots inc Health Service , Infantry, Currency and more etc

we have plenty time until 2014 and only then minds shall be made up

regards if Scotland shall vote for Independance ..


link below of facts of the Battle all them yrs ago ..





Will they be painting themselves blue.

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Personally I hope the Scots vote for independence as it will annoy all the mainstream parties and punish them for over 30 years of Thatcherism. The single question on the ballot paper could work either way. Some who would have voted for Devo Max but now can't, may vote for independence instead. And a lot will depend on what the Tories get up to in the next two years. The more the Tories campaign for the Union the more it's bound to alienate the Scots. If I were the SNP I'd put up posters of Thatcher and Cameron opposing independence. How could they lose?


Off course you will. Just as you will suck EU member because it annoys those you do not like. The outcome does not matter to you, merely that someone you consider right wing will not like it.


A rather pathetic position to adopt in my view.

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The one thing i heard on Scottish News was speaking to the people

majority sais they need to know more facts in what Scotland

shall be , they need to know more as up until now everyone

knows nothing really, but as sais 2014 is a long way off

which also suited Salmond , the only one thing suited David Cameron

was to get rid of the 3rd option which also Salmond wanted at that time


which was a Devo-Max vote which meant if majority in Scotland

voted Devo Max which was more power in Edinburgh from Westminster

then Scotland wouldve had some more Power from London


But after negotiations between both men that had been scrubbed out

Cameron won that

I honestly think that would have been the winning vote by Scots

if it stayed the Devo-max vote


As for poster LeMaquis this is Guaranteed that Alex Salmond etc

shall put up posters with Thatcher and Cameron

as she wasnt liked at all here and neither it looking like Cameron also

as torys never have been liked in Scotland


Now were all left with either voting Independance or staying British

Personally i aint too sure and like many, need to know much more facts

which shall come out in due course


I havent a scooby as to what to vote for, as i :love:my English Cousins


to much :hihi::D


Just have to wait and see as were a long way until that date of destiny ..

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