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Thinking of starting an alternative music night


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Thanks again for some more very useful advice!

I have been looking at soundcards so I knew I would need one but have not purchased yet, I think before I actually find a venue I should do some work on trying to master the djing side of things so I don't look like a tool if things mess up!

If anyone would like to volunteer to show me the ropes of using a mixer that would be greatly appreciated :hihi:


I know that Tune Inn @ The Royal Standard were offering places to learn/work along-side the soundman during the Tramlines festival (This was for bands rather that decks etc, but if you can learn a deck that size, a dj mixing desk would be childs play).

Don't know if they'll still offer this, but its worth asking. You could also ask about playing a few tunes between bands to help you find your feet.


Good Luck anyway,

I DJ'd around town for 20+ years & loved every minute.



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I know that Tune Inn @ The Royal Standard were offering places to learn/work along-side the soundman during the Tramlines festival (This was for bands rather that decks etc, but if you can learn a deck that size, a dj mixing desk would be childs play).

Don't know if they'll still offer this, but its worth asking. You could also ask about playing a few tunes between bands to help you find your feet.


When you have bands and DJs playing on the same night, the DJ always uses a DJ mixer which appears as inputs on the band mixer. Trying to set the [band] desk up for the next performance while someone else is trying to mix tracks would be a nightmare.


Get friendly with some DJs and ask them about the kit and how it works (but not when they're busy), they're quite simple once you've used them a few times.

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The Washington seems to be doing a similar sort of thing to what you are suggesting, nights by the likes of Banksy and Plan B cover that sort of territory and get good crowds in. They do however play off the original vinyl (which is a big draw in itself).



Im not sure - outside of maybe a few genres (mainly northern soul, roots reggae and drum & bass) - that most folk are really too bothered what format you play your music in - its what comes out of the speakers than how it goes in - though i'd agree with most else of whats been said. You need to know your way around however you'll be playing your tunes.


Its tricky to start a night up unless you've got that big extended network of friends and friends of friends. When was the last time you went to a smaller night just because of a flyer? Its usually because your mates are going down or because someone's mate/boyfriend/girlfriend/cousin is putting it on. So by all means cover every shop /cafe in posters/flyers - but make sure you concentrate on getting all your mates & their mates down - it'll be a lot more fruitful.


Also - where as 18 year olds into two step grindcore glichtfusion (or whatever is in this week) are up for going out any night.. Judging by the playlist i'd imagine you may be a similar age to me (as thats pretty much a mid 80s indie/alt night play list). That age range does go out - witness the washington on a drunken sat night - but getting them out on nights other than the weekend is tricky - and obviously getting a weekend night is harder.


Anyway - good luck. As has been said you're doing it for the right reasons (love of music) rather than any misguided notions of making any cash!

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I don't know how important mixing will be with the sort of music I want to play but I am going to try and get familiar with it so I am prepared.

Btw I am 22, don't know how old you are jake?

I understand it won't be the most popular night with students but would hope I would be able to get plenty through the door.

I was thinking I would probably only be able to get a weekday night at first and hopefully build reputation from there but maybe it would be possible to get a Friday or Saturday and appeal to a wider range of people / age groups

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Btw I am 22, don't know how old you are jake?


Blimey! i'm double that. The playlist you described was pretty much what most mid 80s indie/al nights used to play - lots of Doors, Stooges & Velvet Underground amongst the indie/alt stuff - so i'd just assumed you were in your 40s!


Well at your age you should find it a bit easier - but i'd still hold with concentrating on friends and friends of friends - as well as getting flyers/posters around.

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I know that Tune Inn @ The Royal Standard were offering places to learn/work along-side the soundman during the Tramlines festival (This was for bands rather that decks etc, but if you can learn a deck that size, a dj mixing desk would be childs play).

Don't know if they'll still offer this, but its worth asking. You could also ask about playing a few tunes between bands to help you find your feet.


They're a decent group of lads so it's well worth asking.

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