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Starbucks and its tax position- MEGATHREAD

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See post 58. BP is a classic example, as are a large portion of the uk financial/insurance industry.


And you post 9 doesn't give any actual figures.


You don't do a comparison of revenue, versus expenditure, and how much was reinvested in the corporation.


Do you have those figures, or do those statements just come from the same source as 'only 100 adult cod left in the north sea', and other stories 'tweaked' to ignite the gullible/permanantly disgusted.


And if you are critical of a foreign owned company taking money from the uk back to their corporate home country, will you be stopping buying all foreign goods from all companies that do the same (this is where I could list a whole host of items relating to food, entertainment (films, music etc.), technology (Apple, Microsoft etc.))?


Don't get me wrong - I'm all for supporting the small local independant coffee shop over the multinational. And I'm not happy that Starbucks have taken revenue from our country to the US, but if we ban the movement of funds round the globe to corporate head offices, then we (the uk) would suffer because we do it too. And it's appallingly bad reporting to suggest they've paid no tax (when they have contributed to Employers NI, Employee's NI and PAYE, VAT and Business Rates) without understanding where their expenditure has gone.


Whilst Thatcher sold UK Plcs shares in BP and ceased the income it gave us, it hasnt stopped govts since in assisting them in whatever corrupt shenanigans to bring revenue & more importantly to the govt....tax! And the finance industry....do me a favour, they have brought us nothing but debt....most certainly not growth!


And please can we stop this repeating of the defence of "they have contributed to NI, tax etc" because the next company that takes its place, will also be paying those taxes...and corporation tax aswell.

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When someone leaves public service are they then to be forced into some nondescript, non productive, negative role and not allowed to use the experience they gain in other ways?


Your incessant bleating about these and others "pulling the wool over your eyes" or in some way doing you down betrays a degree of paranoia coupled with a desire to reduce everyone to your own low moral standard. Pathetic.


When someone leaves the upper circles in public service, they have been paid handsomely and have a very big pension pot, something most in the private sector dont get. No one is stopping them using their skills in lots of other paid employment, and so they should, but it is unethical to utilise those skills against the state who trained/paid them and the public they served.


Think you shouldnt belittle yourself in the personal comments. :)

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Another tabloid lie to get people enraged.


Headline: Good bean counters? Starbucks has paid no tax in UK since 2009


No tax. Nothing?


Article: Starbucks has exploited accounting tricks to pay almost no UK tax


Ah, so now it's "almost".


Read on.


Article: An investigation showed that the coffee company has paid only £8m in corporation tax


So it's gone from "none" to "almost none" to "£8 million".


I wonder how much it will be by the end of the article and will it still be an outrage.


According to BBC news this morning it will be zero,as they are losing money.

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Whilst Thatcher sold UK Plcs shares in BP and ceased the income it gave us, it hasnt stopped govts since in assisting them in whatever corrupt shenanigans to bring revenue & more importantly to the govt....tax! And the finance industry....do me a favour, they have brought us nothing but debt....most certainly not growth!


And please can we stop this repeating of the defence of "they have contributed to NI, tax etc" because the next company that takes its place, will also be paying those taxes...and corporation tax aswell.


Unless you can prove otherwise I believe you'll find that the financial sector is the single biggest industry for generation of GDP we have.


Sorry if that doesn't sit comfy with the chip on your shoulder.


My 'defense' of starbucks relating to the taxes they pay isn't a defense, it's a statement of fact to counter your ludicrous accusation that they pay no tax. Maybe the next company that replaces Starbucks (it won't because most people are sensible enough not to fall for such stupid reporting) will also contribute to NI/PAYE/VAT/Rates. But they will only pay corporation tax IF they make a profit. And it it's a foreign company then they are unlikely to declare that profit in the uk.


Like I said before, this is all based on badly biased reporting, that you've REALLY got to WANT to believe.

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Unless you can prove otherwise I believe you'll find that the financial sector is the single biggest industry for generation of GDP we have.


Sorry if that doesn't sit comfy with the chip on your shoulder.


My 'defense' of starbucks relating to the taxes they pay isn't a defense, it's a statement of fact to counter your ludicrous accusation that they pay no tax. Maybe the next company that replaces Starbucks (it won't because most people are sensible enough not to fall for such stupid reporting) will also contribute to NI/PAYE/VAT/Rates. But they will only pay corporation tax IF they make a profit. And it it's a foreign company then they are unlikely to declare that profit in the uk.


Like I said before, this is all based on badly biased reporting, that you've REALLY got to WANT to believe.


Frank, you have chosen to ignore the reuters report. Continue defending Starbucks by all means, and your finance industry, ill not waste any further oxygen.

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Not many people boycotting Starbucks this morning as it was absolutely packed.


And with the Christmas flavours on the horizon (Ginergread Latte, Eggnog Latte on a freezing cold December day yum yum) the chances of Starbucks losing money at this time of year seems very remote.


Judgeing by all the people in there today, the product seems to be king. Yes, everyone says its rubbish coffee, but if thats the case, why are there coffee shops always full?

No tax paid, are people boycotting? they weren't this morning ( I wish they would boycott - especially between 9am, and 10am, then I could read my newspaper in peace)



Same reason the Daily mail and the Sun are the biggest selling newspapers, Tennants and Fosters are popular beers, and programmes like the X factor and Big Brother have been known to top the ratings.


Some people have no taste while others have it in their ass. Plus, many people are suckers for an eyecathing logo accompanied with brash marketing.


That's why companies like Starbucks spend millions on marketing (the art of deluding the public that the ideas you have planted in their head are their own). It works.


Look at the shiny shiny.

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Same reason the Daily mail and the Sun are the biggest selling newspapers, Tennants and Fosters are popular beers, and programmes like the X factor and Big Brother have been known to top the ratings.


Some people have no taste while others have it in their ass. Plus, many people are suckers for an eyecathing logo accompanied with brash marketing.


That's why companies like Starbucks spend millions on marketing (the art of deluding the public that the ideas you have planted in their head are their own). It works.


Look at the shiny shiny.




Thats absolute nonsense.


People go into buy the coffee, think it tastes nice and then give repeat business. I go in there because I like there product, and at any given time (and I mean anytime) you go in for a cuppa the place will be full.


With the christmas lattes on the horizon, I can't see the customen numbers dropping.


They are a successful company, the product is excellent and thats why the coffee shops are always packed.

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Thats absolute nonsense.


People go into buy the coffee, think it tastes nice and then give repeat business. I go in there because I like there product, and at any given time (and I mean anytime) you go in for a cuppa the place will be full.


With the christmas lattes on the horizon, I can't see the customen numbers dropping.


They are a successful company, the product is excellent and thats why the coffee shops are always packed.


Why did the one on Devonshire St close then?

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Thats absolute nonsense.


People go into buy the coffee, think it tastes nice and then give repeat business. I go in there because I like there product, and at any given time (and I mean anytime) you go in for a cuppa the place will be full.


With the christmas lattes on the horizon, I can't see the customen numbers dropping.


They are a successful company, the product is excellent and thats why the coffee shops are always packed.


Their coffee is clearly bog standard - not rubbish but not very good either. Yet you believe it is 'excellent'.


I'm now all the more convinced that it is only their marketing which could be described as 'excellent'.

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