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Serbian Racists or Black English who to our right-wing support?

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we appear to live in a racist world....where everyone seems to be fighting anyone who has a different culture or background....

the majority of people in this country stick with their own....

people congregate in certain areas of this city or parts of this country because they feel safer living within their own community...nothing wrong with that...

as for football i've seen fans racially abuse black players of the opposition....while cheering on their own....

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I sit my chair a fair few feet to the right (ie correct) side of the line, and I see it as follows:


Anybody who has come to the UK, as 1st/2nd/3rd generation immigrant or whatever, and feels loyalty to the UK govt and the Crown, and is proud to fly the Union Flag outside his or her home (ok, that's not actually necessary), support the UK's overseas policies, eagerly join the mainstream community and pay their taxes, is a Brit. No further discussion required.


Anybody, whether white. pink, green or brown, who comes here but retains political/ideological/racial/religious loyalties to another nation or society, who wants to enforce their political or religious ideals on the UK majority, and who supports anti-UK/NATO/Christian beliefs, is an unwelcome alien who should be thrown out of the back of a transport plane into the sea. In winter.


Social concerns based on cultural conflict are not racist (despite the misguided rantings of the hand-wringing left); discrimination based purely on skin colour most certainly is, and is the product of a simple and limited mind.


one of the best posts i've ever read on SF

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You can't come to the UK as a 3rd generation immigrant. If you're 3rd generation then your parents were born here too and your grandparents came. You can only come as 1st generation.


I don't fly the flag, don't feel loyalty to the government and Crown (I bet you don't feel loyalty to any Labour government), I don't support overseas policies but I do pay my taxes. But I'm British because that's what it says on my passport. If you have British citizenship you're British and that's that. Conrod does not have the jurisdiction to rewrite immigration law. According to your definition hardly anyone is a Brit as hardly anyone flies the Union Flag, loads of pensioners and no schoolchildren pay taxes and according to an opinion poll two weeks ago only 39% of respondents supported the Lib-Dems and Tories combined.


and you LeMaquis are all thats wrong with this country in one post on SF you've totally missed the point of the post your responding to

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I’ve just watched the end of the England Under 21’s match in Serbia and unfortunately the Racism directed towards England players at the end was shocking and hopefully UEFA will take action and punish them accordingly.


But it got me wondering where those with a political bias towards right-wing parties in this country stand on this. For their many failings these individuals generally have a very patriotic viewpoint, unfortunately some of them also have an issue with people of a different colour.


So where do they stand on this, do they support those Black players abused tonight, or do they stand with the Serbs who share the same political viewpoint as them.


Perhaps one or two of them could give us their viewpoint as I’m struggling to see which side they’ll come down on.


The political spectrum is not a straight line. Its more of a circle and the extreme aspects of both sides meet resulting on both sides becoming pretty indistinguishable from one another.

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feels loyalty to the UK govt


feels loyalty to the Crown

Nope. I'm failing this test.

is proud to fly the Union Flag

It's just a piece of cloth to me. *shrugs* .... Let's hope this improves.

support the UK's overseas policies

Blindly, regardless of what they are?

Nope. Not me.

eagerly join the mainstream community

What does that mean?

pay their taxes

Yaaaaay. 1 out of 6.


I'm not fully in Conrod's "Axis of Evil".

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You can't come to the UK as a 3rd generation immigrant. If you're 3rd generation then your parents were born here too and your grandparents came. You can only come as 1st generation.


I don't fly the flag, don't feel loyalty to the government and Crown (I bet you don't feel loyalty to any Labour government), I don't support overseas policies but I do pay my taxes. But I'm British because that's what it says on my passport. If you have British citizenship you're British and that's that. Conrod does not have the jurisdiction to rewrite immigration law. According to your definition hardly anyone is a Brit as hardly anyone flies the Union Flag, loads of pensioners and no schoolchildren pay taxes and according to an opinion poll two weeks ago only 39% of respondents supported the Lib-Dems and Tories combined.

So youre only British because your passport says so...now why does that not surprise me

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Which right wing parties do you mean? The Conservatives? UKIP? It's a bit of a stretch to call everyone who supports them a racist, especially considering....


Diane Abbott will not face police action over 'racist' tweet




Labour MP accused of xenophobia after 'English jobs' tweet [Labour MP Barry Sheerman this time]




Labour councillor may face police probe after circulating “racist propaganda”



or back to Ms Abbott again



Diane Abbott plays race card to excuse her decision to send her son to private school


I'd also say that many "right wingers" or Tories have little interest in football. I don't much.

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As part of the former Yugoslavian Republic the Serbians have a recent history of being racist,so i suppose its that mentality rearing its ugly head again every so often,only this time its directed at black people now.


Its inexcusable and appalling but not much different to how we as an nation were in the not too distant past,and unlike us, the Serbians didn't have immigrants from Commonwealth Countries.

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I sit my chair a fair few feet to the right (ie correct) side of the line, and I see it as follows:


Anybody who has come to the UK, as 1st/2nd/3rd generation immigrant or whatever, and feels loyalty to the UK govt and the Crown, and is proud to fly the Union Flag outside his or her home (ok, that's not actually necessary), support the UK's overseas policies, eagerly join the mainstream community and pay their taxes, is a Brit. No further discussion required.


Anybody, whether white. pink, green or brown, who comes here but retains political/ideological/racial/religious loyalties to another nation or society, who wants to enforce their political or religious ideals on the UK majority, and who supports anti-UK/NATO/Christian beliefs, is an unwelcome alien who should be thrown out of the back of a transport plane into the sea. In winter.


Social concerns based on cultural conflict are not racist (despite the misguided rantings of the hand-wringing left); discrimination based purely on skin colour most certainly is, and is the product of a simple and limited mind.


I think that's all a legitimate political standpoint to take, but I think we're talking about people who simply don't like people based on skin colour here.


one of the best posts i've ever read on SF


I don't want to make any assumptions about your beliefs and I may well be misinterpreting some of your statements but, if you don't mind, I do have a few questions.


In your opinion do ex-pat British communities have to be held to the same standards?


Would you expect Brits living in Islamic nations to renounce Christianity?


Should all ex-pats bring their children up with the cultural values of the country they reside in or should they retain some of their Britishness?


Should ex-pat Brits display loyalty to the governments of the nations in which they reside regardless of either's political leanings?


If ex-pat Brits do not follow the rules as you laid them out and seamlessly integrate themselves into the multi-cultural and variegated nations of the world should they be forcibly repatriated? In winter?



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I don't want to make any assumptions about your beliefs and I may well be misinterpreting some of your statements but, if you don't mind, I do have a few questions.


In your opinion do ex-pat British communities have to be held to the same standards?


Would you expect Brits living in Islamic nations to renounce Christianity?


Should all ex-pats bring their children up with the cultural values of the country they reside in or should they retain some of their Britishness?


Should ex-pat Brits display loyalty to the governments of the nations in which they reside regardless of either's political leanings?


If ex-pat Brits do not follow the rules as you laid them out and seamlessly integrate themselves into the multi-cultural and variegated nations of the world should they be forcibly repatriated? In winter?




Good questions but Conrod is basically right. In my opinion Brits who live abroad in mini enclaves not bothering to learn the language are also wrong.


A perfect balance would be for anyone from any nation to conform to the norms of their new nation even if they practice their own culture at home. That means no enclaves, road signs in different languages or large religious buildings that stand out like a sore thumb. In the same way I wouldn't want to walk down a Cairo street and see a Wetherspoons with loads of drunk Brits spilling out. However the degree to which integration is applied is a matter for debate.


What is not a matter for debate are that actual rebels against the new country should never be tolerated e.g. it's a sign of how fragmented and lost our society is that there are people in the UK who want to go to the Birmingham hospital and finish off the girl shot by the Taliban. Already the predictables have turned up claiming to be related to her. These people should be deported to their country of origin or that of their parents. No, I don't believe a passport should mean you can do as you please. The right should be reserved to withdraw citizenship for anti British immigrants.

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