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Weight loss and generally fitness help please

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Hi there,


I just want abit if help and advice really. I no its probably the worst time to start with this groggy weather but I'm after some general fitness advice and maybe some realistic meal plan advice (none of these fancy magazine ones!) I wondered if anyone had used a personal trainer or anything? I live in s7. Or any really good reasonably priced groups? I'm just fed up and want to loose 2-3 stone as well as tone up. I really struggle with motivation and I struggle to control myself. I just need a realistic diet that keep me full and energised aswell as plenty of fat burnin calories shifting weight loss exercise. My arms are really embarrassing me and they are too big and my belly. I'm just miserable and no I need to loose weight it's jut a vicious cycle. I just want anyone with advice or anyone in a similar situation wanting a fitness partner where we can motivate each other. Anyone with any support, advice, offering free groups or willing to offer free fitness training or wanting someone to help each other. Please get in touch. Thanks in advance

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Best bit of advice I got for losing weight was dont cut the calories too much, aim for 2500 for men 2000 for women to start with and monitor your weight if you are not losing weight increase your exercise do not cut food out. Limit the amount of starchy carbohydrates ( bread, pasta, rice ect )you consume only have these after exercise and eat loads of green veg and protein. Make sure you do weight training dont just do cardio. Do research on the internet. I lost 5st and these are some of the things I used, Its hard work but its worth it.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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i will say that fitness trainer would be necessary for you to have as they would better advice you what exercise and diet to have and also you try to avoid oily and junk foods and continuosly have 1 hour exercises daily

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hi i have lost 2stone and 8lbs by going to slimmers world and by joining the gym .i am happy with the way things are going i am trying to get the courage to go to swimming baths but i have at least 4 more stones to go .i feel so much better physically and mentally good luck x

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Ignore what Darrius says - you don't need a fitness trainer/personal coach. From your posting you already know what you need to do: eat fewer calories and do more exercise. It's the motivation that you need, which is where a group or training buddy will help. Instead of making yourself go to the gym (or whatever) regularly when you don't feel like it, you do it because your buddy will be waiting there expecting you and you don't want to let them down.


First thing: stop snacking. That's the killer right there - it doesn't matter how much you plan your meals if there are biscuits and cake in between. You say you're particularly conscious of your arms - every time you reach for a snack look at the arm that's going for it and that should remind you of the price. And don't buy snacks and have them around the house.


As for the meals: make sure they include protein (it's what triggers your 'full' response) but apart from that most people who don't eat junk food don't need to change what they eat, just the amount. It's just portion control: serve yourself about three-quarters of what you do now and you'll be fine.


About exercise. It is important that you take up an exercise that you enjoy. Yes, there are classes for fat-burning, high-intensity workouts, toning, and whatever else you want. But you won't keep going if you dislike them. Much better to choose something like walking or dancing, that you do for the pleasure of it, and incidentally it's exercise so you will lose weight and build muscle tone. So don't just think of the gym, and fitness trainers, and so on. Join a walking group, or dance classes, or go swimming, and make your exercise programme just part of your normal life.


And finally, include exercise in your daily life. Walk up stairs rather than take the escalator that runs beside them. Walk half a mile rather than to the nearest bus-stop or parking space when you're going shopping. Have music on in the kitchen while you're cooking and bop along. Little stuff that doesn't burn many calories, but adds up.

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Your pretty close to our fitness sessions in Dore. The easiest session if you are a beginner is the 8.15pm session on Wednesday.


If you are willing to commit to one session each week, then like our regulars you can see results like these


  • size 18 to size 12 in 3 months
  • 14cm lost from waistline in under 3 months and back to size 10
  • 1/2 stone lost in first 2 weeks


A few examples or achievements.


Don't bother with diets or cutting back on intake, as this is not realistic in the long term. If you enjoy a daily cup cake, or a daily latte from starbucks then you must continue to do this, theres no point in denying yourself the things that you will enjoy. Many of our class members enjoy coming to class once each week, as it allows them to stuff their faces for the rest of the week.


For many people, any more than one hour of fitness training is not realistic in the long term, this could be due to work, family or other commitments in life.

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hi im a personal trainer and if u need a workout partner i will do this for u all i ask is contact me and tell me about u in order to help u best, i need m or f?

height weight etc and all i ask in return is you help advertise for me as im just setting up my own business.

thanks dave

ps u can pm me or text on 07909635254

i in s5 near firth park

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