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Is Nigel Farage a political rock god ?

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I like the cut of Mr Farage's jib - and I WILL vote for his party if a candidate is put up in my area.


He comes across as honest and down to earth, is there a Politician in Parliament you could say the same over. No - I couldn't think of one either.




Do you really think that? Gosh. I thought most people could see through his acting skills - perhaps not it seems!. He does make me laugh though so has some talent .

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Although I think he would fall apart trying to form a government. Plus he comes across as very much a one issue sort of person. Its lets get as far away from the EU as possible rabble rousing speech every time I see him on TV.


Yes it is a concern but come on Mr Farage change the record already.


The whole point of UKIP, the reason why the party was founded in the first place was to get Britain out of the EU. As such it's their main policy by some distance, and ensures that they perform very well indeed at European elections, although that support does not translate into general election votes for UKIP.


As to the rest of their policies, I'm afraid it's very much the "Daily Mail on steroids" approach. Climate change denial, immigrant bashing, scorched earth tax & spend policies etc.


I don't vote for them as, in spite of it's many faults I don't think it's in Britain's interest to leave the EU, and the rest of their platform is pretty dreadful to boot.

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A one trick pony - the rest of it, as Stoatwobbler so eloquently puts it, is Mail on Steroids.


True, but if he does his one trick and makes substantial changes to British life he can retire knowing he's made genuine change.


I used to be totally pro EU and dismissed any anti EU ranters as little Englanders, my confidence has been shaken in the last year or so. I will now concede that UKIP has a place rather than just being a more polished BNP.

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Read Tim Congdon CBE's blog or recent booklet re how much the EU costs.

He puts it at 10% of the UK's entire GDP- with facts to prove his case.


Do that refer to EU costs to the UK or to the whole community?As a solicitor you should realise that evidence can be manipulated,especially where costs can be defrayed.


Who or what is Tim Condom?Is the CBE an award or an organisation?

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