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Julia Gillard socks it to them!

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Fancy you using a cheap racial stereotype in the same sentence as cheap sexual slur. Who'd have thought it?


Why do you constantly keep having a chip at people on this site, how sad! there must be a medical reason for this, has your doctor told you to let all your anger out on a key board, because in reality it could be dangerous. :hihi::loopy:

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Why do you constantly keep having a chip at people on this site, how sad! there must be a medical reason for this, has your doctor told you to let all your anger out on a key board, because in reality it could be dangerous. :hihi::loopy:


Because I don't like people with racist and sexist views to go unchallenged. If you find that sad it says a lot about you.

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Not going to respond to my question about what makes you describe her as a man hater johncocker? Interesting.


What evidence have you got for that idea exactly?

Wouldn't be anything to do with the fact that she's a powerful woman would it?




does sexism work both ways in the little bubble you live in :suspect:



heres a selection of comments made by members of the Gillard government

Tony Abbott is a hack. A dog. An aggressive, carping, bitter, mindless, deceptive, dodgy, mendacious, rancid, negative, nasty, muck-raking, untruthful, obstructionist, opportunistic, sexist, political Neanderthal. He is unfit for high office. He cannot control his temper. No trick is too low for him. No stunt is too wild. He is a bully. A thug. A snake oil salesman. A poster child for vile bully-boy values. He has repulsive double standards. He hates women. He stands for nothing. He has unhealthy obsessions. He is nuts.

Abbott behaves like Jack the Ripper.

He is Gina Rinehart's butler.


He is Nancy Reagan without the astrology. He is a douchebag.

. These are not comments from media figures, or feral demonstrators, or dredged up from 10 or even 30 years ago. These are insults delivered this year, by federal Labor MPs, directed at one person, and orchestrated by Julia Gillard



playing the politically correct game again halibut

its pretty obvious what I accuesd her of ,hypocrisy, double standards ,sexism,

were did I say manhater?

although accuseing a man who's married with 3 daughters and whos raised money for and has helped build womens refuges in is spare time as being like jack the ripper and a misogynist might boarder on it don't you think /?


am I afraid of powerful women ...no,Its intelligence I look for in women not ego. though I can imagine thatcher turning you on in the strange world you live in:love:

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