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A record number of people are at work in the UK as unemployment falls again

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It would have been obvious if you'd have said a Chinese made product instead of being a smart arse.
So, using a two-letter ISO code (just like GB on the arse of your car, or US, FR, AU, etc), which is known to every man and their dog on this earth, just to save some time typing, is being a 'smart arse' now?


I see... :rolleyes:


Don't know what's with you, but you seem to be having a go at me under the most ridiculous of pretexts lately. How did I p*ss on your shoes, pray tell?

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its not really moved at all, all they have done is what governments have done for years move people of jobseekers onto other things that are basically the same but it takes them off the benefits list...people on incapacity who have been "helped, ahem" back into work, disabled people who have been assed by atos to be fit for work because they can write thier name or turned up for the atos interview in clean clothes...pathetic the jobless figures will always stay around the same because in years gone by the 1000's who left scholl without qualifications could walk out of school on the last day and start work the next then if he/she didnt like it they could leave that job at dinnertime and start another job that same afternoon...those days of tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs have long gone...used to be 20 jobs for every person now its 66 people going for every retail job....

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Working for Tesco, Mcdonalds etc (which you job snobs seem to feel are far too demeaning for someone of the intellectual value of yourselves) is actually better for the economy than he non jobs (with pensions) created by the last government. e.g. (Gay and lesbian outreach workers).


If you work for Tesco, thanks for making sure the groceries are available, if Mcdonalds thanks for the breakfast. You are doing a good job and yes, I will have fries with that.


You've obviously never worked for Tesco or McDonalds. I'm sure, although your thanks won't pay the bills, it will go a long way to making workers feel much better, whilst the owners of the huge companies they work for get richer and richer. At least they can rest safe in the knowledge that they're helping "the economy", eh?

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So did you believe it when all the newspspers and tv were saying that things were getting worse...?


No need to see or read anything, it was known as soon as the Tories gained power we would be back to the thatcher years and we are, in fact this idiot is proving to be worse.:gag:

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Don't you read the papers or watch the news?




More people in work "since records began" as they say...


Errrr....Is that full time work? Or just work (part time)?


When I see them quote statistics that say "More people in full time work since records began", then I might believe it. Until then I'll just call it massaging the figures, or being obtuse with the wording for political point scoring. :suspect:

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