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A record number of people are at work in the UK as unemployment falls again

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I agree again, when in my twenties, fresh out of university I was a leftie with an agenda e.g. I naturally looked for evidence to back up my worldview while dismissing that which did not. Nowadays at the ripe age of 37 I simply look at things based on evidence like most balanced people. A balanced person is right wing in some areas and left wing in others. My views on unions would make a Daily Mail reader explode whilst my views on law and order would make them offer me their finest sherry.


I have a few years on you (not too many)... as I've gotten older I find that more and more I try to separate the wheat from the chaff from all sides...it's easier to do once you realise that most people have their own agenda....and no-one tells you the whole truth ..just what they want you to know..

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They cut unemployment for years by increasing the number of students, but even that hasn't increased this time around.
Consider the fact that these days it costs a minimum of £9k annually to be a student...and there's a good bit of the reason why ;)


In context, and with reference to the ATOS thing above and the (expectedly reducing, or at least plateau-ing) number of students, it makes this bit of news quite good, really...:confused:

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I have a few years on you (not too many)... as I've gotten older I find that more and more I try to separate the wheat from the chaff from all sides...it's easier to do once you realise that most people have their own agenda....and no-one tells you the whole truth ..just what they want you to know..


What I've noticed too is there are good debaters on here, yourself, Halibut and Scuux being examples with whom I agree sometimes and other times not. That's a sign of quality in my book. Then there's the Mecky brigade who always sound angry, absolutist and deterministic in their outlook. Then there's the extremists who turn everything into their agenda e.g. there used to be someone on here called Interviewer who could turn a debate about the universe or 14th century French poetry into a platform to attack the BBC. I of course like the BBC because it offends all types and is therefore doing a good job. How often does Sky or Fox offend the right?

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Consider the fact that these days it costs a minimum of £9k annually to be a student...and there's a good bit of the reason why ;)


In context, and with reference to the ATOS thing above and the (expectedly reducing, or at least plateau-ing) number of students, it makes this bit of news quite good, really...:confused:


What I find upsetting are programs like last night's Look North. They highlighted a large increase in spinning jobs in Bradford. But the jobs were being filled by folks from Rumania because the locals didn't want the work. It goes someway to explain why we have a record number of folks in work at a time when there are still 2.5 million out of work.

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When you think about the whole ATOS saga, and the reported record number of incapacity benefit recipients 'chucked out' onto JSA in recent times, you'd expect this to impact jobless rate negatively.


I don't actually know, but are they 'chucked' off onto JSA?....If you have a family and obviously JSA alone isn't enough to keep a family, isn't there some other benefit they get?


I'd be a little surprised if the benefits system wasn't geared towards having as little people as possible actually on JSA perse.


Of course I may be completely wrong, but it's my cynicism working overtime again. What makes you think I don't trust politicians as far as I could throw them, and that's not as far as I'd like to! :hihi:

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