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A record number of people are at work in the UK as unemployment falls again

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I don't actually know, but are they 'chucked' off onto JSA?
That was my understanding, but I remain open to correction of course, as usual :)

....If you have a family and obviously JSA alone isn't enough to keep a family, isn't there some other benefit they get?
Probably (hopefully). But then that's a different debate altogether, isn't it? If you're on JSA, then technically you are jobless, so not part of the stats we are discussing.

What I find upsetting are programs like last night's Look North. They highlighted a large increase in spinning jobs in Bradford. But the jobs were being filled by folks from Rumania because the locals didn't want the work. It goes someway to explain why we have a record number of folks in work at a time when there are still 2.5 million out of work.
That's a whole separate issue, of the 'benefits lifestyle' (and comparable expressions/monikers).


If unemployment demonstrably falls and a record number of people are demonstrably at work in the UK, then these Romanians are part and parcel of the figures all the same. It doesn't solve the benefits lifestyle issue, but it should at least mitigate it better, because more people are paying income tax.

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I don't actually know, but are they 'chucked' off onto JSA?....If you have a family and obviously JSA alone isn't enough to keep a family, isn't there some other benefit they get?


I'd be a little surprised if the benefits system wasn't geared towards having as little people as possible actually on JSA perse.


Of course I may be completely wrong, but it's my cynicism working overtime again. What makes you think I don't trust politicians as far as I could throw them, and that's not as far as I'd like to! :hihi:


Its that or work and yes they would get other benefits like housing benefits but the key benefit is JSA

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I don't actually know, but are they 'chucked' off onto JSA?....If you have a family and obviously JSA alone isn't enough to keep a family, isn't there some other benefit they get?


I'd be a little surprised if the benefits system wasn't geared towards having as little people as possible actually on JSA perse.


Of course I may be completely wrong, but it's my cynicism working overtime again. What makes you think I don't trust politicians as far as I could throw them, and that's not as far as I'd like to! :hihi:


But they'd still be recorded as JSA recipients I think....

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That's a whole separate issue, of the 'benefits lifestyle' (and comparable expressions/monikers).


If unemployment demonstrably falls and a record number of people are demonstrably at work in the UK, then these Romanians are part and parcel of the figures all the same. It doesn't solve the benefits lifestyle issue, but it should at least mitigate it better, because more people are paying income tax.


And without us having to pay for their education or pensions.

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That was my understanding, but I remain open to correction of course, as usual :)

Probably (hopefully). But then that's a different debate altogether, isn't it? If you're on JSA, then technically you are jobless, so not part of the stats we are discussing.

That's a whole separate issue, of the 'benefits lifestyle' (and comparable expressions/monikers).


If unemployment demonstrably falls and a record number of people are demonstrably at work in the UK, then these Romanians are part and parcel of the figures all the same. It doesn't solve the benefits lifestyle issue, but it should at least mitigate it better, because more people are paying income tax.


I agree but it would be clearly better for the UK if the Romanians stayed in Romania and the British unemployed where somehow incentivised into taking the jobs.


It doesn’t necessarily follow that they will pay tax because they are entitles to tax credits and child tax credits.

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All this is a load of tory propaganda, this country is in bits and will be while ever the tory twits are in power.:suspect:




I presume you're not seriously suggesting a Labour government would be any better?


So who are you going to vote for at the next election?

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I agree but it would be clearly better for the UK if the Romanians stayed in Romania and the British unemployed where somehow incentivised into taking the jobs.


Call me a rampant capitalist if you must, but I have always considered the job market intra-EU as borderless: it's up both locals and immigrants (if a distinction must be made, in context) to compete for jobs, by means fair (training/education, going rates for jobs) or foul (protectionist/nationalist recruitment and/or policies).


EDIT (just seen yours :))

It doesn’t necessarily follow that they will pay tax because they are entitles to tax credits and child tax credits.
They may be entitled to this-that-the other: doesn't matter so much, so long as they are adding value and are not a net drain (unlike jobless/benefits lifestylers - this is a statement of fact, not political/judgemental). Their employers will be paying NI, corpo tax on the profit made selling their output, etc.
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