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Police taser blind man

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He shouldn't, he tazered him in good faith and the victim is still alive. It's not unheard of for people to be on the rampage with swords. It's often the public's fault e.g. a Scotsman with a chair leg in a bag was labelled an IRA member who'd just put a sawn off in a bag by some thick cockney who'd never heard a Scots accent and reported him to the police.

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He shouldn't, he tazered him in good faith and the victim is still alive. It's not unheard of for people to be on the rampage with swords. It's often the public's fault e.g. a Scotsman with a chair leg in a bag was labelled an IRA member who'd just put a sawn off in a bag by some thick cockney who'd never heard a Scots accent and reported him to the police.


He shot a blind man in the back and his excuse was he thought his white stick was a sword.


Typical white stick


Typical samurai sword

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He shot a blind man in the back and his excuse was he thought his white stick was a sword.


Typical white stick


Typical samurai sword


Well now I've heard the evidence...


Nobody who wasn't there can really understand the circumstances. Obviously the copper isn't going to zap him if he can clearly see that it's a stick. I know everyone's an expert on policing and knows exactly what they'd have done and likes to lay down the law to the police but I find it tiresome.

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Ooopsie :rolleyes:

Slow walking blind man shot with tazer as his white stick is mistaken for a samurai sword.


I wonder id the trigger happy rozzer will lose his job over this.




We have launched an urgent investigation to understand what lessons can be learned and the matter has also been referred to the Independent Police Complaints Commission."


I would think the lesson to be learned, is, don’t send blind or stupid officers out to incidents armed with a tazer.

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Bearing in mind the copper has been told by an eyewitness that it is a sword and he won't want to waste time or take a risk by walking up close to examine it he probably did the best thing for his own safety. There is youtube footage of cops being attacked by people with machetes and swords, watching that might make it clearer why this copper had a shoot first, ask questions later approach.

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He shouldn't, he tazered him in good faith and the victim is still alive. It's not unheard of for people to be on the rampage with swords. It's often the public's fault e.g. a Scotsman with a chair leg in a bag was labelled an IRA member who'd just put a sawn off in a bag by some thick cockney who'd never heard a Scots accent and reported him to the police.


I truly am at a loss as to your stupidity & the coppers, he couldn't tell tell the difference between a sword & a stick god help us. He should be severely censured even sacked; plus the bloke has has 2 strokes, that amount of electricity could have been fatal to him.

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Well now I've heard the evidence...


Nobody who wasn't there can really understand the circumstances. Obviously the copper isn't going to zap him if he can clearly see that it's a stick. I know everyone's an expert on policing and knows exactly what they'd have done and likes to lay down the law to the police but I find it tiresome.


I find it tiresome that people can be shot for the crime of being Brazilian or carrying a chair leg myself.


Not that that actually matters. A constable is give a warrant that give him or her immense powers over the average citizen and it's up to them to excercise that power with care. If they fail to do so then they should face the music. Wihtout having been there though I find it very hard to see how you can mistake a cane being used by a blind man for a samurai sword.

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I truly am at a loss as to your stupidity & the coppers, he couldn't tell tell the difference between a sword & a stick god help us. He should be severely censured even sacked; plus the bloke has has 2 strokes, that amount of electricity could have been fatal to him.


No, you're the stupid one. Without being there I give the copper the benefit of the doubt. There are variables like the angle from which the victim was seen, the lighting and the fact that the copper had no reason to disbelieve the eyewitness who assured him it was a sword.


A stupid person reads words on a page and soaks them up like a plant sap without question. You weren't there therefore you're in no position to judge armchair general.

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