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Police taser blind man

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Bearing in mind the copper has been told by an eyewitness that it is a sword and he won't want to waste time or take a risk by walking up close to examine it he probably did the best thing for his own safety. There is youtube footage of cops being attacked by people with machetes and swords, watching that might make it clearer why this copper had a shoot first, ask questions later approach.


If you've ever seen a Katana in real life, and a white cane, you will know that the two can EASILY be differentiated between from a safe distance.

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"It then became apparent this man was not the person we were looking for and officers attended to him straight away"


Are they saying there actually WAS a swordsman somewhere but they had got the wrong man? :suspect:


Yes, they were. And yes, they did.


We remember when they get the wrong man, because they usually shoot them dead, sometimes with multiple point blank shots to the head. The blind man was lucky just to be tasered, he should be thankful.

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If you are caught with a taser in your possession then you will probably be charged with an offence under S5 of the Firearms Act (1968 )


If - as Sir Robert Peel said in Principle 7 - “... the police are the public and the public are the police" then why is a policeman who uses a taser against anybody at any time not suspended from duty and the incident subjected to a full enquiry?

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